Re: CivicAccess-discuss Digest, Vol 3, Issue 19

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Re: CivicAccess-discuss Digest, Vol 3, Issue 19

Joe Murray
I only check this list every week or two, so sorry for the delay in
replying. I'm very interested in collaborating on the Canadian federal
information keyed on Electoral District.

Perhaps as a start different webservices could be set up to share different
pieces of this data being held in different repositories. Does someone like
Russell or Cory want to start a wiki where interested folks like myself can
contribute to the technical design. Cory's already got his code on
SourceForge, so adding a web service for it will be easier.

On another note, I also found out from Natural Resources Canada that the
federal electoral district maps are available through GeoGratis, but not the
provincial data. See

Joe Murray, PhD
President, JMA Consulting
57 Grandview Ave, Toronto, Ontario, Canada  M4K 1J1
416.466.1281, 416.466.1277 (f)
[hidden email]
Skype: josephpmurray

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Re: CivicAccess-discuss Digest, Vol 3, Issue 19

Michael Lenczner
"start a wiki where interested folks like myself can contribute to the
technical design"

uh - how bout our wiki - ?  i think
that's one of the things we created it for.  unless I'm missing
something and there's a reason for it to be attached to another wiki?

I would suggest making a /Projects page - and putting it there?  Of
course that doesn't mean that anyone from this group has any say over
the project - but at least this way we can easily keep an eye on it?
It would be a good experience for everyone to see what's involved in
creating a technical civic info project.

On 1/30/06, Joe Murray <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I only check this list every week or two, so sorry for the delay in
> replying. I'm very interested in collaborating on the Canadian federal
> information keyed on Electoral District.
> Perhaps as a start different webservices could be set up to share different
> pieces of this data being held in different repositories. Does someone like
> Russell or Cory want to start a wiki where interested folks like myself can
> contribute to the technical design. Cory's already got his code on
> SourceForge, so adding a web service for it will be easier.
> On another note, I also found out from Natural Resources Canada that the
> federal electoral district maps are available through GeoGratis, but not the
> provincial data. See
> e=productCollection&keymap=outlineCanada
> Joe Murray, PhD
> President, JMA Consulting
> 57 Grandview Ave, Toronto, Ontario, Canada  M4K 1J1
> 416.466.1281, 416.466.1277 (f)
> [hidden email]
> Skype: josephpmurray
> _______________________________________________
> CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
> [hidden email]

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wiki Info

Tracey P. Lauriault-2
I for one would greatly benefit from seeing "what's involved in creating
a technical civic info project."

here's the wiki info again to save digging through those emails!


Wiki note: a wiki is a website like any other, but it can be edited and
added to by anyone who has access (in this case you).

1) browse to 

2) if prompted for a username/password use username "civicaccess"
password "libre". (note: this protection will be removed once the group
goes public)

3) click the "login" button at upper right and enter your details to
create an account.

4) if you're new to wikis there are some useful help files at <>

5) edit away!

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Re: CivicAccess-discuss Digest, Vol 3, Issue 19

Russell McOrmond-2
In reply to this post by Joe Murray

Joe Murray wrote:
> Perhaps as a start different webservices could be set up to share
> different pieces of this data being held in different repositories.

   I may be alone, but I think webservices projects quickly become more
complex than their utility, when compared to simply sharing data files.

   I'm very interested in collaborating on creating references for
publicly available data, as well as data that should be public (but
isn't yet).  Having a place (WIKI) to put these references would be great.

   I'm also interested in collaborating on extracting data where it can
be extracted (screen scraping, etc) and then made publicly available.
This may be something we'll want to have some level of legal advice on
given I believe that the name of an MP and their email address is a
"fact" and that the government can't claim copyright infringement by us
extracting that data from their publicly accessible websites.

   Once I get further on the screen scraping of the new MP information
from I'll post about that.  Anything I do will be either
public domain or in some Creative Commons license.

   I believe MP information is best to key on EDID (Which change from
time to time, the largest recent change being the redrawing of
boundaries in 2003) and election ID (we just had 39e, and there are
other IDs used by elections Canada for by-elections) which will always
be unique.

   The parliamentary website seems to have IDs it uses to reference
ridings and MPs, but I can't make any sense out of the numbers and they
don't seem to be consistent on different parts of the site.

  Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <>
  2415+ Canadians oppose Bill C-60 which protects antiquated Recording,
  Movie and "software manufacturing" industries from modernization.    Sign-->

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Re: CivicAccess-discuss Digest, Vol 3, Issue 19

Russell McOrmond-2
In reply to this post by Michael Lenczner
Michael Lenczner wrote:
> uh - how bout our wiki - ?

Wiki is "By Invitation Only", and I haven't yet been invited ;-)

  Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <>
  2415+ Canadians oppose Bill C-60 which protects antiquated Recording,
  Movie and "software manufacturing" industries from modernization.    Sign-->

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Re: CivicAccess-discuss Digest, Vol 3, Issue 19

Michael Lenczner
On 1/31/06, Russell McOrmond <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Michael Lenczner wrote:
> > uh - how bout our wiki - ?
> Wiki is "By Invitation Only", and I haven't yet been invited ;-)

arcgh!  we shall have to remedy that ;-)

username = civicaccess
pass = libre

> --
>   Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <>
>   2415+ Canadians oppose Bill C-60 which protects antiquated Recording,
>   Movie and "software manufacturing" industries from modernization.
>    Sign-->
> _______________________________________________
> CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
> [hidden email]