FOI: advice?

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FOI: advice?

Daniel Haran
Hi Folks,

My city has just responded to the FOI (Freedom of Information) review
judge's ruling, stating they disagreed. They do not give reasons, but
indicate I can pursue this to the Supreme Court. The letter is scanned
and linked from:

Unless a lawyer cares to take this on pro bono, I am considering
self-representation. Any advice? Is this an effective way to get
cities to release their data?



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Re: FOI: advice?

Hugh McGuire
I'll be cheering for you! go for it!

Daniel Haran wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> My city has just responded to the FOI (Freedom of Information) review
> judge's ruling, stating they disagreed. They do not give reasons, but
> indicate I can pursue this to the Supreme Court. The letter is scanned
> and linked from:
> Unless a lawyer cares to take this on pro bono, I am considering
> self-representation. Any advice? Is this an effective way to get
> cities to release their data?
> Thanks!
> Daniel.
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Re: FOI: advice?

Tracey P. Lauriault-2
In reply to this post by Daniel Haran
why not see if someone here can help:

there might be a student etc. who can help or might want to take this on.


Daniel Haran wrote:

>Hi Folks,
>My city has just responded to the FOI (Freedom of Information) review
>judge's ruling, stating they disagreed. They do not give reasons, but
>indicate I can pursue this to the Supreme Court. The letter is scanned
>and linked from:
>Unless a lawyer cares to take this on pro bono, I am considering
>self-representation. Any advice? Is this an effective way to get
>cities to release their data?
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