todo before launch - 4 items

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todo before launch - 4 items

Michael Lenczner

1) prepare announcement (and translate)
waiting for translation

2) rules of engagement ;-) / etiquette (and translate) - done
good enough for now.  We can always improve / change later.

3) ask who wants to be "official" co-founders
I'll send a seperate email about it now.

4)  go over the site and make sure it's ready
We can all go through it during the 24 hours before launch to check
for little mistakes.

5)  change UI of site
Hey- technical wizards among us.  Can we do anything to make the site
more friendly?  Changing colours and switching to a new default theme
would be nice.  Can someone take a few whacks at this?  We promise not
to be picky ;-)  And better+sooner is much preferred to

6) ask if mailing list can be made public
This probably doesn't need to be asked since we said that we were
going to open up everything - but does anyone have a problem with the
existing mailing archives being made public?

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Re: todo before launch - 4 items

Michael Lenczner
I have no idea why i said 4 items and I then listed 6.