Re: Free StatCan Demographic Data

Posted by Tracey P. Lauriault on

I pasted the variables available below!

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Tracey P. Lauriault <[hidden email]> wrote:
I was doing some data digging today and found quite a bit of free data here (E-Stat 

Not at the super small geographies but at the CMA, CD and CSD which are Census Metropolitan Areas, Cities, and Municipalities.  The years are historical 1665-1871, 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001, and 2006.

It is worth looking at how much is there!

Below are the data variables available for 1996 and I am sure 2001 and 2006 are just as rich.  You can download in multiple formats.



Population, 1991 (100% data)
Population, 1996 (100% data)
Population percentage change, 1991-1996
Land area in square kilometres, 1996
Total population by sex and age groups (100% data)
Male, total population
0-4 years, Male population
5-9 years, Male population
10-14 years, Male population
15 years, Male population
16 years, Male population
17 years, Male population
18 years, Male population
19 years, Male population
15-19 years, Male population
20-24 years, Male population
25-29 years, Male population
30-34 years, Male population
35-39 years, Male population
40-44 years, Male population
45-49 years, Male population
50-54 years, Male population
55-59 years, Male population
60-64 years, Male population
65-69 years, Male population
70-74 years, Male population
75-79 years, Male population
80-84 years, Male population
85+ years, Male population
Female, total population
0-4 years, Female population
5-9 years, Female population
10-14 years, Female population
15 years, Female population
16 years, Female population
17 years, Female population
18 years, Female population
19 years, Female population
15-19 years, Female population
20-24 years, Female population
25-29 years, Female population
30-34 years, Female population
35-39 years, Female population
40-44 years, Female population
45-49 years, Female population
50-54 years, Female population
55-59 years, Female population
60-64 years, Female population
65-69 years, Female population
70-74 years, Female population
75-79 years, Female population
80-84 years, Female population
85+ years, Female population
Total population 15 years and over by legal marital status (100% data)
Never married (single), population 15 years and over by legal marital status
Legally married (and not separated), pop. 15 yrs+ by legal marital status
Separated, but still legally married, pop. 15 yrs+ by legal marital status
Divorced, population 15 years and over by legal marital status
Widowed, population 15 years and over by legal marital status
Total number of census families in private households by family size
(20% sample data)
Size of census family, 2 persons, in private households by family size
Size of census family, 3 persons, in private households by family size
Size of census family, 4 persons, in private households by family size
Size of census family, 5 or more persons, in private households by family size
Total husband-wife families by family structure (20% sample data)
Total families of now-married couples, husband-wife families by fam. structure
Total without sons and/or daughters at home, families of now-married couples
Total with sons and/or daughters at home, families now-married couples
1 son or daughter at home, families now-married couples
2 sons and/or daughters at home, families of now-married couples
3 or more sons and/or daughters at home, families of now-married couples
Total families of common-law couples
Total without sons and/or daughters at home, families of common-law couples
Total with sons and/or daughters at home, families of common-law couples
1 son or daughter, families of common-law couples
2 sons and/or daughters, families of common-law couples
3 or more sons and/or daughters, families of common-law couples
Total lone-parent families by sex of parent (20% sample data)
Male parent, lone-parent families
1 son or daughter, lone-parent families, male parent
2 sons and/or daughters, lone-parent families, male parent
3 or more sons and/or daughters, lone-parent families, male parent
Female parent, lone-parent families
1 son or daughter, lone-parent families, female parent
2 sons and/or daughters, lone-parent families, female parent
3 or more sons and/or daughters, lone-parent families, female parent
Total number of never-married sons and/or daughters at home (20% sample data)
Under 6 years of age, never-married sons and/or daughters at home
6 - 14 years, never-married sons and/or daughters at home
15 - 17 years, never-married sons and/or daughters at home
18 - 24 years, never-married sons and/or daughters at home
25 years and over, never-married sons and/or daughters at home
Average number of never-married sons and/or daughters at home per census family
Total number of persons in private households (20% sample data)
Number of non-family persons in private households
Living with relatives, non-family persons in private households
Living with non-relatives only, non-family persons in private households
Living alone, non-family persons in private households
Number of family persons in private households
Average number of persons per census family
Total number of persons 65 years and over (20% sample data)
Number of non-family persons 65 years and over
Living with relatives, non-family persons 65 years and over
Living with non-relatives only, non-family persons 65 years and over
Living alone, non-family persons 65 years and over
Number of family persons 65 years and over
Total number of occupied private dwellings by structural type of
dwelling (20% sample data)
Single-detached house, number of occupied private dwellings
Semi-detached house, number of occupied private dwellings
Row house, number of occupied private dwellings
Apartment, detached duplex, number of occupied private dwellings
Apartment building, five or more storeys, number of occupied private dwellings
Apartment building, less than five storeys, no. of occupied private dwellings
Other single attached house, number of occupied private dwellings
Movable dwelling, number of occupied private dwellings
Total number of private households by household size (20% sample data)
1 person, number of private households by household size
2 persons, number of private households by household size
3 persons, number of private households by household size
4 - 5 persons, number of private households by household size
6 or more persons, number of private households by household size

Total population by citizenship (20% sample data)
Canadian citizenship population
Citizenship population other than Canadian
Total population by place of birth (20% sample data)
Non-immigrant population
Born in province of residence, non-immigrant population
Total immigrants population by selected countries of birth
Number of immigrants from United Kingdom
Number of immigrants from Italy
Number of immigrants from United States
Number of immigrants from Hong Kong
Number of immigrants from India
Number of immigrants from China, People's Republic of
Number of immigrants from Poland
Number of immigrants from Philippines
Number of immigrants from Germany
Number of immigrants from Portugal
Number of immigrants from Viet Nam
Number of immigrants from Netherlands
Number of immigrants from Jamaica
Number of immigrants from Greece
Number of immigrants from Guyana
Number of immigrants from Sri Lanka
Number of immigrants from Lebanon
Number of immigrants from France
Number of immigrants from Trinidad and Tobago
Number of immigrants from Yugoslavia
Number of immigrants from Hungary
Number of immigrants from Haiti
Number of immigrants from Taiwan
Number of immigrants from Iran
Number of immigrants from Romania
Number of immigrants from Korea, South
Number of immigrants from Ukraine
Number of immigrants from Pakistan
Number of immigrants from El Salvador
Number of immigrants from Egypt
Number of immigrants from Croatia
Number of immigrants from Russian Federation
Number of immigrants from Ireland, Republic of (Eire)
Number of immigrants from South Africa, Republic of
Number of immigrants from Mexico
Number of immigrants from Austria
Number of immigrants from Chile
Number of immigrants from Belgium
Number of immigrants from Fiji
Number of immigrants from Morocco
Number of immigrants from Denmark
Number of immigrants from Czechoslovakia, n.i.e.
Number of immigrants from Malaysia
Number of immigrants from Cambodia
Number of immigrants from Switzerland
Number of immigrants from Tanzania, United Republic of
Number of immigrants from Kenya
Number of immigrants from Iraq
Number of immigrants from Somalia
Number of immigrants from Israel
Number of immigrants from all other places of birth
Non-permanent residents population
Total recent immigrants by selected countries of birth (20% sample data)
Number of recent immigrants from Hong Kong
Number of recent immigrants from China, People's Republic of
Number of recent immigrants from India
Number of recent immigrants from Philippines
Number of recent immigrants from Sri Lanka
Number of recent immigrants from Poland
Number of recent immigrants from Taiwan
Number of recent immigrants from Viet Nam
Number of recent immigrants from United States
Number of recent immigrants from United Kingdom
Number of recent immigrants from Yugoslavia
Number of recent immigrants from Iran
Number of recent immigrants from Jamaica
Number of recent immigrants from Lebanon
Number of recent immigrants from Romania
Number of recent immigrants from Pakistan
Number of recent immigrants from Korea, South
Number of recent immigrants from Guyana
Number of recent immigrants from Trinidad and Tobago
Number of recent immigrants from El Salvador
Number of recent immigrants from Somalia
Number of recent immigrants from France
Number of recent immigrants from Haiti
Number of recent immigrants from Russian Federation
Number of recent immigrants from Iraq
Number of recent immigrants from Portugal
Number of recent immigrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Number of recent immigrants from Mexico
Number of recent immigrants from Germany
Number of recent immigrants from Egypt
Number of recent immigrants from Ukraine
Number of recent immigrants from Ghana
Number of recent immigrants from Ethiopia
Number of recent immigrants from South Africa, Republic of
Number of recent immigrants from Bangladesh
Number of recent immigrants from Afghanistan
Number of recent immigrants from Peru
Number of recent immigrants from Guatemala
Number of recent immigrants from Fiji
Number of recent immigrants from Morocco
Number of recent immigrants from All other places of birth
Total immigrant population by period of immigration (20% sample data)
Immigrant population before 1961, period of immigration
Immigrant population 1961-1970, period of immigration
Immigrant population 1971-1980, period of immigration
Immigrant population 1981-1990, period of immigration
Immigrant population 1991-1996, period of immigration
Total immigrant population by age at immigration (20% sample data)
Immigrant population, 0-4 years, age at immigration
Immigrant population, 5-19 years, age at immigration
Immigrant population, 20 years and over, age at immigration

Total population by mother tongue (20% sample data)
Single responses, population by mother tongue
English, single response, population by mother tongue
French, single response, population by mother tongue
Non-official languages, single response, population by mother tongue
Italian, single response, population by mother tongue
Chinese, single response, population by mother tongue
German, single response, population by mother tongue
Portuguese, single response, population by mother tongue
Polish, single response, population by mother tongue
Ukrainian, single response, population by mother tongue
Spanish, single response, population by mother tongue
Dutch, single response, population by mother tongue
Punjabi, single response, population by mother tongue
Greek, single response, population by mother tongue
Arabic, single response, population by mother tongue
Tagalog (Pilipino), single response, population by mother tongue
Hungarian, single response, population by mother tongue
Vietnamese, single response, population by mother tongue
Cree, single response, population by mother tongue
Persian (Farsi), single response, population by mother tongue
Croatian, single response, population by mother tongue
Gujarati, single response, population by mother tongue
Korean, single response, population by mother tongue
Russian, single response, population by mother tongue
Hindi, single response, population by mother tongue
Tamil, single response, population by mother tongue
Japanese, single response, population by mother tongue
Creoles, single response, population by mother tongue
Finnish, single response, population by mother tongue
Czech, single response, population by mother tongue
Armenian, single response, population by mother tongue
Yiddish, single response, population by mother tongue
Urdu, single response, population by mother tongue
Inuktitut (Eskimo), single response, population by mother tongue
Romanian, single response, population by mother tongue
Ojibway, single response, population by mother tongue
Danish, single response, population by mother tongue
Slovak, single response, population by mother tongue
Macedonian, single response, population by mother tongue
Khmer (Cambodian), single response, population by mother tongue
Norwegian, single response, population by mother tongue
Hebrew, single response, population by mother tongue
Estonian, single response, population by mother tongue
Swedish, single response, population by mother tongue
Lao, single response, population by mother tongue
Lithuanian, single response, population by mother tongue
Serbian, single response, population by mother tongue
Latvian (Lettish), single response, population by mother tongue
Slovenian, single response, population by mother tongue
Turkish, single response, population by mother tongue
Bengali, single response, population by mother tongue
Maltese, single response, population by mother tongue
Flemish, single response, population by mother tongue
Montagnais-Naskapi, single response, population by mother tongue
Bulgarian, single response, population by mother tongue
Micmac, single response, population by mother tongue
Gaelic languages, single response, population by mother tongue
South Slave, single response, population by mother tongue
Chipewyan, single response, population by mother tongue
Dogrib, single response, population by mother tongue
Kutchin-Gwich'in (Loucheux), single response, population by mother tongue
Tlingit, single response, population by mother tongue
Serbo-Croatian, single response, population by mother tongue
Dakota/Sioux, single response, population by mother tongue
Malay-Bahasa, single response, population by mother tongue
Blackfoot, single response, population by mother tongue
Malayalam, single response, population by mother tongue
Thai, single response, population by mother tongue
Kurdish, single response, population by mother tongue
Pashto, single response, population by mother tongue
Other languages, single response, population by mother tongue
Multiple responses, population by mother tongue
English and French, multiple responses, population by mother tongue
English and non-official language, multiple responses, pop. by mother tongue
French and non-official language, multiple responses, pop. by mother tongue
English, French and non-off. language, multiple resp., pop. by mother tongue
Total population by knowledge of official languages (20% sample data)
English only, population by knowledge of official languages
French only, population by knowledge of official languages
English and French, population by knowledge of official languages
Neither English nor French, population by knowledge of official languages
Total population by first official language spoken (20% sample data)
English, population by first official language spoken
French, population by first official language spoken
English and French, population by first official language spoken
Neither English nor French, population by first official language spoken
Official language minority - (number)
Official language minority - (percentage)
Total population by home language (20% sample data)
Single responses, population by home language
English,single responses, population by home language
French, single responses, population by home language
Non-official languages, single responses, population by home language
Chinese, single responses, population by home language
Italian, single responses, population by home language
Portuguese, single responses, population by home language
Spanish, single responses, population by home language
German, single responses, population by home language
Polish, single responses, population by home language
Punjabi, single responses, population by home language
Greek, single responses, population by home language
Vietnamese, single responses, population by home language
Arabic, single responses, population by home language
Cree, single responses, population by home language
Tagalog (Pilipino), single responses, population by home language
Ukrainian, single responses, population by home language
Persian (Farsi), single responses, population by home language
Korean, single responses, population by home language
Hungarian, single responses, population by home language
Tamil, single responses, population by home language
Gujarati, single responses, population by home language
Croatian, single responses, population by home language
Armenian, single responses, population by home language
Inuktitut (Eskimo), single responses, population by home language
Hindi, single responses, population by home language
Urdu, single responses, population by home language
Japanese, single responses, population by home language
Russian, single responses, population by home language
Creoles, single responses, population by home language
Dutch, single responses, population by home language
Khmer (Cambodian), single responses, population by home language
Ojibway, single responses, population by home language
Romanian, single responses, population by home language
Czech, single responses, population by home language
Lao, single responses, population by home language
Macedonian, single responses, population by home language
Finnish, single responses, population by home language
Montagnais-Naskapi, single responses, population by home language
Hebrew, single responses, population by home language
Yiddish, single responses, population by home language
Serbian, single responses, population by home language
Bengali, single responses, population by home language
Slovak, single responses, population by home language
Estonian, single responses, population by home language
Turkish, single responses, population by home language
Lithuanian, single responses, population by home language
Latvian (Lettish), single responses, population by home language
Micmac, single responses, population by home language
Slovenian, single responses, population by home language
Bulgarian, single responses, population by home language
Serbo-Croatian, single responses, population by home language
Dakota/Sioux, single responses, population by home language
South Slave, single responses, population by home language
Malay-Bahasa, single responses, population by home language
Maltese, single responses, population by home language
Blackfoot, single responses, population by home language
Dogrib, single responses, population by home language
Danish, single responses, population by home language
Swedish, single responses, population by home language
Malayalam, single responses, population by home language
Thai, single responses, population by home language
Kurdish, single responses, population by home language
Pashto, single responses, population by home language
Flemish, single responses, population by home language
Chipewyan, single responses, population by home language
Kutchin-Gwich'in (Loucheux), single responses, population by home language
Norwegian, single responses, population by home language
Gaelic languages, single responses, population by home language
Tlingit, single responses, population by home language
Other languages, single responses, population by home language
Multiple responses, population by home language
English and French, multiple responses, population by home language
English and non-official language, multiple responses, pop. by home language
French and non-official language, multiple responses, pop. by home language
English, French and non-off. language, multiple resp., pop. by home language
Italian - knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
German - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Chinese - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Spanish - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Portuguese - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Ukrainian - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Polish - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Dutch - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Punjabi - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Arabic - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Greek - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Tagalog (Pilipino) - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Vietnamese - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Hindi - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Hungarian - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Cree - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Russian - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Gujarati - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Yiddish - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Hebrew - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Urdu - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Creoles - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Persian (Farsi) - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Croatian - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Japanese - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Korean - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Tamil - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Finnish - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Armenian - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Romanian - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Ojibway - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Czech - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Danish - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Non-verbal languages - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Inuktitut (Eskimo) - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Turkish - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Macedonian - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Slovak - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Khmer (Cambodian) - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Swedish - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Swahili - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Norwegian - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Lao - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Malay-Bahasa - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Serbian - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Lithuanian - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Estonian - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Latvian (Lettish) - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Bengali - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Maltese - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Flemish - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Slovenian - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Gaelic languages - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Sinhalese - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Montagnais-Naskapi - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Serbo-Croatian - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Thai - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Micmac - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Blackfoot - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Bulgarian - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Malayalam - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Dakota/Sioux - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
South Slave - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Icelandic - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Nishga - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Frisian - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Chipewyan - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Kutchin-Gwich'in (Loucheux) - Knowledge of non-official languages (20%
sample data)
Tlingit - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Dogrib - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Kurdish - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Pashto - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)
Other languages - Knowledge of non-official languages (20% sample data)

Total population by Aboriginal groups and non-Aboriginal population
(20% sample data)
Total Aboriginal population
North American Indian single response, population
Metis single response, population
Inuit single response, population
Multiple Aboriginal responses, population
Other Aboriginal response, population
Total non-Aboriginal population

Total population by ethnic origin (single and mult. responses) (20% sample data)
Total population - Single responses, by ethnic origin
Total population - Multiple responses, by ethnic origin
Canadian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Canadian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Canadian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
French - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
French - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
French - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
English - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
English - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
English - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Chinese - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Chinese - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Chinese - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Italian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Italian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Italian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
German - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
German - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
German - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Scottish - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Scottish - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Scottish - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Irish - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Irish - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Irish - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
East Indian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
East Indian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
East Indian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
North American Indian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
North American Indian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
North American Indian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Ukrainian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Ukrainian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Ukrainian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Dutch (Netherlands) - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Dutch (Netherlands) - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Dutch (Netherlands) - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Polish - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Polish - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Polish - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Portuguese - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Portuguese - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Portuguese - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Filipino - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Filipino - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Filipino - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Jewish - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Jewish - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Jewish - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Greek - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Greek - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Greek - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Jamaican - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Jamaican - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Jamaican - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Vietnamese - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Vietnamese - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Vietnamese - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Hungarian (Magyar) - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Hungarian (Magyar) - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Hungarian (Magyar) - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Lebanese - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Lebanese - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Lebanese - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Spanish - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Spanish - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Spanish - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Haitian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Haitian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Haitian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Korean - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Korean - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Korean - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Quebecois - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Quebecois - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Quebecois - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Croatian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Croatian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Croatian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Iranian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Iranian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Iranian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Japanese - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Japanese - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Japanese - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Metis - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Metis - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Metis - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Norwegian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Norwegian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Norwegian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Russian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Russian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Russian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
British, n.i.e. - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
British, n.i.e. - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
British, n.i.e. - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Romanian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Romanian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Romanian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Danish - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Danish - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Danish - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Finnish - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Finnish - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Finnish - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Inuit - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Inuit - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Inuit - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Arab, n.i.e. - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Arab, n.i.e. - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Arab, n.i.e. - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Sri Lankan - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Sri Lankan - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Sri Lankan - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Belgian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Belgian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Belgian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
West Indian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
West Indian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
West Indian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Swedish - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Swedish - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Swedish - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Punjabi - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Punjabi - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Punjabi - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
African (Black), n.i.e. - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
African (Black), n.i.e. - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
African (Black), n.i.e. - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Serbian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Serbian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Serbian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Somali - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Somali - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Somali - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Austrian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Austrian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Austrian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Yugoslav, n.i.e. - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Yugoslav, n.i.e. - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Yugoslav, n.i.e. - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Black - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Black - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Black - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Welsh - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Welsh - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Welsh - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Pakistani - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Pakistani - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Pakistani - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
South Asian, n.i.e. - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
South Asian, n.i.e. - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
South Asian, n.i.e. - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Armenian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Armenian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Armenian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Czech - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Czech - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Czech - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Egyptian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Egyptian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Egyptian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Chilean - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Chilean - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Chilean - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Swiss - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Swiss - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Swiss - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Trinidadian/Tobagonian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Trinidadian/Tobagonian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Trinidadian/Tobagonian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Guyanese - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Guyanese - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Guyanese - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
American - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
American - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
American - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Latin/Central/South American, n.i.e. - Total responses, pop. by ethnic origin
Latin/Central/South American, n.i.e. - Single responses, pop. by ethnic origin
Latin/Central/South American, n.i.e. - Multiple responses, pop. by ethnic origin
Slovak - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Slovak - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Slovak - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Salvadorean - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Salvadorean - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Salvadorean - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Macedonian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Macedonian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Macedonian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Acadian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Acadian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Acadian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Tamil - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Tamil - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Tamil - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Cambodian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Cambodian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Cambodian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Slovenian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Slovenian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Slovenian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Maltese - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Maltese - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Maltese - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Laotian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Laotian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Laotian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Ethiopian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Ethiopian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Ethiopian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Ghanaian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Ghanaian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Ghanaian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Lithuanian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Lithuanian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Lithuanian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Afghan - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Afghan - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Afghan - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Icelandic - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Icelandic - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Icelandic - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Estonian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Estonian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Estonian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Turk - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Turk - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Turk - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Latvian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Latvian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Latvian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Barbadian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Barbadian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Barbadian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Syrian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Syrian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Syrian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Czechoslovakian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Czechoslovakian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Czechoslovakian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Mexican - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Mexican - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Mexican - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Peruvian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Peruvian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Peruvian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Moroccan - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Moroccan - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Moroccan - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Iraqi - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Iraqi - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Iraqi - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Bosnian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Bosnian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Bosnian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Palestinian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Palestinian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Palestinian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Scandinavian, n.i.e. - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Scandinavian, n.i.e. - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Scandinavian, n.i.e. - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Caribbean, n.i.e. - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Caribbean, n.i.e. - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Caribbean, n.i.e. - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
European, n.i.e. - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
European, n.i.e. - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
European, n.i.e. - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Bulgarian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Bulgarian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Bulgarian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Guatemalan - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Guatemalan - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Guatemalan - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Bangladeshi - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Bangladeshi - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Bangladeshi - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Taiwanese - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Taiwanese - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Taiwanese - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Colombian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Colombian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Colombian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Eritrean - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Eritrean - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Eritrean - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Fijian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Fijian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Fijian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Ecuadorian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Ecuadorian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Ecuadorian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Algerian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Algerian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Algerian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Nigerian - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Nigerian - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Nigerian - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Hispanic - Total responses, population by ethnic origin
Hispanic - Single responses, population by ethnic origin
Hispanic - Multiple responses, population by ethnic origin
Total - Total population by visible minority population
Total visible minority population
Black, visible minority population
South Asian, visible minority population
Chinese, visible minority population
Korean, visible minority population
Japanese, visible minority population
Southeast Asian, visible minority population
Filipino, visible minority population
Arab/West Asian, visible minority population
Latin American, visible minority population
Visible minority, n.i.e., visible minority population
Multiple visible minority, visible minority population
All others, visible minority population

Total population 15 years and over by labour force activity (20% sample data)
In the labour force, population 15 years and over
Employed, population 15 years and over
Unemployed, population 15 years and over
Not in the labour force, population 15 years and over
Participation rate, population 15 years and over
Employment-population ratio, population 15 years and over
Unemployment rate, population 15 years and over
Total population 15-24 years by labour force activity (20% sample data)
In the labour force, population 15-24 years
Employed, population 15-24 years
Unemployed, population 15-24 years
Not in the labour force, population 15-24 years
Participation rate, population 15-24 years
Employment-population ratio, population 15-24 years
Unemployment rate, population 15-24 years
Total population 25 years and over by labour force activity (20% sample data)
In the labour force, population 25 years and over
Employed, population 25 years and over
Unemployed, population 25 years and over
Not in the labour force, population 25 years and over
Participation rate, population 25 years and over
Employment-population ratio, population 25 years and over
Unemployment rate, population 25 years and over
Males 15 years and over by labour force activity (20% sample data)
In the labour force, males 15 years and over
Employed, males 15 years and over
Unemployed, males 15 years and over
Not in the labour force, males 15 years and over
Participation rate, males 15 years and over
Employment-population ratio, males 15 years and over
Unemployment rate, males 15 years and over
Males 15-24 years by labour force activity (20% sample data)
In the labour force, males 15-24 years
Employed, males 15-24 years
Unemployed, males 15-24 years
Not in the labour force, males 15-24 years
Participation rate, males 15-24 years
Employment-population ratio, males 15-24 years
Unemployment rate, males 15-24 years
Males 25 years and over by labour force activity (20% sample data)
In the labour force, males 25 years and over
Employed, males 25 years and over
Unemployed, males 25 years and over
Not in the labour force, males 25 years and over
Participation rate, males 25 years and over
Employment-population ratio, males 25 years and over
Unemployment rate, males 25 years and over
Females 15 years and over by labour force activity (20% sample data)
In the labour force, females 15 years and over
Employed, females 15 years and over
Unemployed, females 15 years and over
Not in the labour force, females 15 years and over
Participation rate, females 15 years and over
Employment-population ratio, females 15 years and over
Unemployment rate, females 15 years and over
Females 15-24 years by labour force activity (20% sample data)
In the labour force, females 15-24 years
Employed, females 15-24 years
Unemployed, females 15-24 years
Not in the labour force, females 15-24 years
Participation rate, females 15-24 years
Employment-population ratio, females 15-24 years
Unemployment rate, females 15-24 years
Females 25 years and over by labour force activity (20% sample data)
In the labour force, females 25 years and over
Employed, females 25 years and over
Unemployed, females 25 years and over
Not in the labour force, females 25 years and over
Participation rate, females 25 years and over
Employment-population ratio, females 25 years and over
Unemployment rate, females 25 years and over
Population 15yrs+ private households by presence of children & labour
force activity (20% sample data)
In the labour force, pop. 15yrs+ private households by presence of children
Employed, pop. 15 yrs+ in private households by presence of children
Unemployed, pop. 15 yrs+ in private households by presence of children
Not in the labour force, pop. 15yrs+ priv. households by presence of children
Participation rate, pop. 15yrs+ in private households by presence of children
Employment-pop. ratio, pop. 15yrs+ priv. households by presence of children
Unemployment rate, pop. 15 yrs+ in private households by presence of children
Population 15 years and over in private households with no children at home
In the labour force, pop. 15 yrs+ in priv. households, no children at home
Employed, pop. 15 yrs+ in priv. households with no children at home
Unemployed, pop. 15 yrs+ in priv. households with no children at home
Not in the labour force, pop. 15yrs+ in priv. households, no children at home
Participation rate, pop. 15 yrs+ in priv. households, no children at home
Employment-pop. ratio, pop. 15 yrs+ in priv. households, no children at home
Unemployment rate, pop. 15 yrs+ in priv. households, no children at home
Population 15 years and over in private households with children at home
In the labour force, pop. 15yrs+ in private households with children at home
Employed, pop. 15yrs+ in private households with children at home
Unemployed, pop. 15yrs+ in private households with children at home
Not in the labour force, pop. 15yrs+ priv. households with children at home
Participation rate, pop. 15yrs+ in private households with children at home
Employment-pop. ratio, pop. 15yrs+ in priv. households with children at home
Unemployment rate, pop. 15yrs+ in private households with children at home
Population 15yrs+ in private households with children under 6 years only
In the labour force, pop. 15yrs+ priv. households with children under
6 yrs only
Employed, pop. 15yrs+ in priv. households with children under 6 years only
Unemployed, pop. 15yrs+ priv. households with children under 6 years only
Not in the labour force, pop. 15yrs+ priv. households with child.
under 6 yrs only
Participation rate, pop. 15yrs+ priv. households with children under 6 yrs only
Employment-pop. ratio, pop. 15yrs+ priv. households with children
under 6 yrs only
Unemployment rate, pop. 15yrs+ priv. households with children under 6 yrs only
Population 15 yrs+ in priv. households with children -6 yrs and children 6 yrs+
In the labour force, pop. 15 yrs+ in priv. households, child. 6 yrs-, 6 yrs+
Employed, pop. 15 yrs+ in priv. households with child. 6 yrs- and 6 yrs+
Unemployed, pop. 15 yrs+ in priv. households with child. 6 yrs- and 6 yrs+
Not in the labour force, pop. 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs- & 6yrs+
Participation rate, pop. 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs- & 6yrs+
Employment-pop. ratio, pop. 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs- & 6yrs+
Unemployment rate, pop. 15 yrs+ in priv. households with child. 6yrs- & 6yrs+
Population 15 years and over in private households with children 6 yrs+ only
In the labour force, pop. 15yrs+ in priv. households with children 6yrs+ only
Employed, pop. 15yrs+ in priv. households with children 6 yrs+ only
Unemployed, pop. 15yrs+ in priv. households with children 6 yrs+ only
Not in the labour force, pop. 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs+ only
Participation rate, pop. 15yrs+ in priv. households with children 6 yrs+ only
Employment-pop. ratio, pop. 15yrs+ in priv. households with chil. 6 yrs+ only
Unemployment rate, pop. 15yrs+ in priv. households with children 6 yrs+ only
Males 15yrs+ private households by presence of children & labour force
activity (20% sample data)
In the labour force, males 15yrs+ in priv. households by presence of children
Employed, males 15yrs+ in priv. households by presence of children
Unemployed, males 15yrs+ in priv. households by presence of children
Not in the labour force, males 15yrs+ priv. households by presence of child.
Participation rate, males 15yrs+ in priv. households by presence of children
Employment-pop. ratio, males 15yrs+ priv. households by presence of children
Unemployment rate, males 15yrs+ in priv. households by presence of
Males 15 years and over in private households with no children at home
In the labour force, males 15yrs+ in priv. households no children at home
Employed, males 15yrs+ in priv. households no children at home
Unemployed, males 15yrs+ in priv. households no children at home
Not in the labour force, males 15yrs+ priv. households, no children at home
Participation rate, males 15yrs+ in priv. households no children at home
Employment-pop. ratio, males 15yrs+ in priv. households, no children at home
Unemployment rate, males 15yrs+ in priv. households no children at home
Males 15 years and over in private households with children at home
In the labour force, males 15yrs+ in priv. households with children at home
Employed, males 15yrs+ in priv. households with children at home
Unemployed, males 15yrs+ in priv. households with children at home
Not in the labour force, males 15yrs+ in priv. households with child. at home
Participation rate, males 15yrs+ in priv. households with children at home
Employment-pop. ratio, males 15yrs+ in priv. households with child. at home
Unemployment rate, males 15yrs+ in priv. households with children at home
Males 15 years and over in private households with children under 6 years only
In the labour force, males 15yrs+ in priv. households, children 6 yrs-
Employed, males 15yrs+ in priv. households, children 6 yrs- only
Unemployed, males 15yrs+ in priv. households, children 6 yrs- only
Not in the labour force, males 15yrs+ in priv. households, child. 6 yrs- only
Participation rate, males 15yrs+ in priv. households, children 6 yrs- only
Employment-pop. ratio, males 15yrs+ in priv. households, children 6 yrs- only
Unemployment rate, males 15yrs+ in priv. households, children 6 yrs- only
Males 15 yrs+ in private households with children 6 yrs- and child. 6 yrs+
In the labour force, males 15yrs+ in priv. households, child. 6yrs- and 6yrs+
Employed, males 15yrs+ in priv. households, child. 6yrs- and 6yrs+
Unemployed, males 15yrs+ in priv. households, child. 6yrs- and 6yrs+
Not in the labour force, males 15yrs+ priv. households, child. 6yrs-, 6yrs+
Participation rate, males 15yrs+ in priv. households, child. 6yrs- and 6yrs+
Employment-pop. ratio, males 15yrs+ in priv. households, child. 6yrs-, 6yrs+
Unemployment rate, males 15yrs+ in priv. households, child. 6yrs- and 6yrs+
Males 15 years and over in private households with children 6 yrs+ only
In the labour force, males 15yrs+ in priv. households with child. 6yrs+ only
Employed, males 15yrs+ in priv. households with child. 6yrs+ only
Unemployed, males 15yrs+ in priv. households with child. 6yrs+ only
Not in the labour force, males 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs+ only
Participation rate, males 15yrs+ in priv. households with child. 6yrs+ only
Employment-pop. ratio, males 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs+ only
Unemployment rate, males 15yrs+ in priv. households with child. 6yrs+ only
Females 15yrs+ priv. households by presence of children & labour force
activity (20% sample data)
In the labour force, females 15yrs+ in priv. households by presence of child.
Employed, females 15yrs+ in priv. households by presence of child.
Unemployed, females 15yrs+ in priv. households by presence of child.
Not in the labour force, females 15yrs+ priv. households by presence of child.
Participation rate, females 15yrs+ in priv. households by presence of child.
Employment-pop. ratio, females 15yrs+ priv. households by presence of child.
Unemployment rate, females 15yrs+ in priv. households by presence of child.
Females 15 years and over in private households with no children at home
In the labour force, females 15yrs+ in priv. households, no children at home
Employed, females 15yrs+ in priv. households, no children at home
Unemployed, females 15yrs+ in priv. households, no children at home
Not in the labour force, females 15yrs+ priv. households, no child. at home
Participation rate, females 15yrs+ in priv. households, no children at home
Employment-pop. ratio, females 15yrs+ priv. households, no children at home
Unemployment rate, females 15yrs+ in priv. households, no children at home
Females 15 years and over in private households with children at home
In the labour force, females 15yrs+ in priv. households with children at home
Employed, females 15yrs+ in priv. households with children at home
Unemployed, females 15yrs+ in priv. households with children at home
Not in the labour force, females 15yrs+ priv. households with child. at home
Participation rate, females 15yrs+ in priv. households with children at home
Employment-pop. ratio, females 15yrs+ in priv. households with child. at home
Unemployment rate, females 15yrs+ in priv. households with children at home
Females 15 years and over in private households with children under 6yrs only
In the labour force, females 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs- only
Employed, females 15yrs+ in priv. households with child. 6yrs- only
Unemployed, females 15yrs+ in priv. households with child. 6yrs- only
Not in the labour force, females 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs- only
Participation rate, females 15yrs+ in priv. households with child. 6yrs- only
Employment-pop. ratio, females 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs- only
Unemployment rate, females 15yrs+ in priv. households with child. 6yrs- only
Females 15 years and over in priv. households with children 6 yrs- and 6 years+
In the labour force, females 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs-, 6yrs+
Employed, females 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs-, 6yrs+
Unemployed, females 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs-, 6yrs+
Not in labour force, females 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs-, 6yrs+
Participation rate, females 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs-, 6yrs+
Employment-pop. ratio, females 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs-, 6yrs+
Unemployment rate, females 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs-, 6yrs+
Females 15 years and over in private households with children 6 yrs+ only
In the labour force, females 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs+ only
Employed, females 15yrs+ in priv. households with child. 6yrs+ only
Unemployed, females 15yrs+ in priv. households with child. 6yrs+ only
Not in labour force, females 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs+ only
Participation rate, females 15yrs+ in priv. households with child. 6yrs+ only
Employment-pop. ratio, females 15yrs+ priv. households with child. 6yrs+ only
Unemployment rate, females 15yrs+ in priv. households with child. 6yrs+ only
Total labour force 15 years and over by industry divisions (20% sample data)
Industry - Not applicable, total labour force 15yrs+
All industries, labour force population 15 years and over
Division A - Agricultural & related service ind., labour force pop. 15yrs +
Division B - Fishing and trapping industries, labour force pop. 15yrs +
Division C - Logging & forestry industries, labour force population 15yrs +
Division D - Mining (incl. milling), quarrying&oil well, lab. force 15yrs+
Division E - Manufacturing industries, labour force population 15yrs +
Division F - Construction industries, labour force population 15yrs +
Division G - Transportation & storage industries, labour force pop. 15yrs +
Division H - Communication & other utility indus., labour force 15yrs +
Division I - Wholesale trade industries, labour force population 15yrs +
Division J - Retail trade industries, labour force population 15yrs +
Division K - Finance & insurance indus., labour force population 15yrs +
Division L - Real estate oper. & insurance agent ind., labour force 15yrs+
Division M - Business service industries, labour force population 15yrs +
Division N - Government service industries, labour force population 15yrs +
Division O - Educational service indus., labour force population 15yrs +
Division P - Health & social service ind., labour force population 15yrs +
Division Q - Accommodation, food&beverage serv. indus., labour force 15yrs+
Division R - Other service industries, labour force population 15yrs +
Total labour force 15yrs+ by occupational broad categ. & occup. major
groups (20%)
Occupation - Not appli., labour force 15yrs+ by occupational broad
categ. & occup. major groups
All occupations, labour force 15yrs+ by occupational broad categ. &
occup. major groups
A Management occupations, labour force population 15yrs+
A0  Senior management occupations, labaour force population 15yrs+
A1  Specialist managers, labour force population 15yrs+
A2  Managers retail trade, food & accommodation serv., labour force 15yrs+
A3  Other managers n.e.c., labour force population 15yrs+
B Business, finance & administrative occupations, labour force pop. 15yrs+
B0  Professional occupations business & finance, labour force pop. 15yrs+
B1  Finance & insurance admin. occupations, labour force pop. 15yrs+
B2  Secretaries, labour force population 15yrs+
B3  Administrative & regulatory occupations, labour force population 15yrs+
B4  Clerical supervisors, labour force population 15yrs+
B5  Clerical occupations, labour force population 15yrs+
C Natural & applied sciences & related occupations, labour force pop. 15yrs+
C0  Professional occup. natural & applied sciences, labour force 15yrs+
C1  Technical occup. related natural & applied sciences, labour force 15yrs+
D Health occupations, labour force population 15yrs+
D0  Professional occupations in health, labour force population 15yrs+
D1  Nurse supervisors and registered nurses, labour force population 15yrs+
D2  Technical & related occupations in health, labour force pop. 15yrs+
D3  Assisting occupations in support of health services, labour force 15yrs+
E Occupations social science, educ., govern. serv.&religion, lab. force 15yrs+
E0  Judges, lawyers, psychologists, social workers, minister of
religion, & policy & prog. officers , pop. 15yrs+
E1  Teachers and professors, labour force 15 yrs +
E2  Paralegals, social serv. workers & occupations in education &
religion n.e.c.
F Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport, labour force 15 yrs +
F0  Professional occupations in art and culture, labour force 15 yrs +
F1  Technical occup. art, culture, recreation & sport, labour force 15 yrs+
G Sales and service occupations, labour force 15 yrs +
G0  Sales and service supervisors, labour force 15 yrs +
G1  Wholesale, technical, insur., real estate sales specialists &
retail, wholesale & grain buyers
G2  Retail salespersons and sales clerks, labour force 15 yrs +
G3  Cashiers, labour force 15 yrs +
G4  Chefs and cooks, labour force 15 yrs +
G5  Occupations in food and beverage service, labour force 15 yrs +
G6  Occupations in protective services, labour force 15 yrs +
G7  Occupations travel & accom. incl. attendants in recreation &
sport, labour force 15 yrs +
G8  Childcare and home support workers, labour force 15 yrs +
G9  Sales and service occupations n.e.c., labour force 15 yrs +
H Trades, transport & equip. operators & related occup., labour force 15yrs+
H0  Contractors & supervisors trades & transportation, labour force 15yrs+
H1  Construction trades, labour force 15 yrs +
H2  Stationary engineers, power station oper. & electrical trades &
telecomm. occup., labour force 15 yrs +
H3  Machinists, metal forming, shaping&erecting occup., labour force 15yrs+
H4  Mechanics, labour force 15 yrs +
H5  Other trades n.e.c., labour force 15 yrs +
H6  Heavy equip. & crane operators incl. drillers, labour force 15 yrs +
H7  Transportation equip. operators & related workers, excl.
labourers, labour force 15 yrs +
H8  Trades helpers, construction & transportation labourers & related
occup., labour force 15 yrs +
I Occupations unique to primary industry, labour force 15 yrs +
I0  Occupations unique agriculture excl. labourers, labour force 15 yrs +
I1  Occupations unique forestry operations, mining, oil & gas
extraction, & fishing, excl. labourers, labour force 15 yrs +
I2  Primary production labourers, labour force 15 yrs +
J Occupations unique to processing, manufac. & utilities, labour force 15yrs+
J0  Supervisors in manufacturing, labour force 15 yrs +
J1  Machine operators in manufacturing, labour force 15 yrs +
J2  Assemblers in manufacturing, labour force 15 yrs +
J3  Labourers in processing, manufac. & utilities, labour force 15 yrs +
Male labour force 15yrs+ by occupational broad categories & occupation
major groups (20% sample data)
Occupation - Not applicable, male labour force 15yrs+
All occupations, male labour force 15yrs+
A Management occupations, male labour force 15yrs+
A0  Senior management occupations, male labour force 15yrs+
A1  Specialist managers, male labour force 15yrs+
A2  Managers retail trade, food & accommod. serv., male labour force 15yrs+
A3  Other managers n.e.c., male labour force 15yrs+
B Business, finance and administrative occupations, male labour force 15yrs+
B0  Professional occupations business & finance, male labour force 15yrs+
B1  Finance & insurance admin. occupations, male labour force 15yrs+
B2  Secretaries, male labour force 15yrs+
B3  Administrative and regulatory occupations, male labour force 15yrs+
B4  Clerical supervisors, male labour force 15yrs+
B5  Clerical occupations, male labour force 15yrs+
C Natural & applied sciences & related occupations, male labour force 15yrs+
C0  Professional occup. natural & applied sciences, M. labour force 15yrs+
C1  Technical occup. related natural&applied sciences, M. lab. for. 15yrs+
D Health occupations, male labour force 15yrs+
D0  Professional occupations in health, male labour force 15yrs+
D1  Nurse supervisors and registered nurses, male labour force 15yrs+
D2  Technical and related occupations in health, male labour force 15yrs+
D3  Assisting occup. in support of health services, M. labour force 15yrs+
E Occupations social science, education, govern. serv. & religion male 15yrs+
E0  Judges, lawyers, psychologists, social workers, ministers of
religion, & policy & program officers, male labour force 15yrs+
E1  Teachers and professors, male labour force 15yrs+
E2  Paralegals, social serv. workers & occup. education & religion
n.e.c., M. labour force 15yrs+
F Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport, male labour force 15yrs+
F0  Professional occupations in art and culture, male labour force 15yrs+,
F1  Technical occup. art, culture, recreation & sport, M. lab. for. 15yrs+
G Sales and service occupations, male labour force 15yrs+
G0  Sales and service supervisors, male labour force 15yrs+
G1  Wholesale, technical, insurance, real estate sales specialists, &
retail, wholesale & grain buyers, male labour force 15yrs+
G2  Retail salespersons and sales clerks, male labour force 15yrs+
G3  Cashiers, male labour force 15yrs+
G4  Chefs and cooks, male labour force 15yrs+
G5  Occupations in food and beverage service, male labour force 15yrs+
G6  Occupations in protective services, male labour force 15yrs+
G7  Occupations travel & accommodation incl. attendants in recreation
& sport, male labour force 15yrs+
G8  Childcare and home support workers, male labour force 15yrs+
G9  Sales and service occupations n.e.c., male labour force 15yrs+
H Trades, transport & equip. operators & related occup., M. lab. for. 15yrs+
H0  Contractors & supervisors trades & transport., male labour force 15yrs+
H1  Construction trades, male labour force 15yrs+
H2  Stationary engineers, power station operators & electrical trades
& telecommunications occupations, male labour force 15yrs+
H3  Machinists, metal forming, shaping & erecting occup., male 15yrs+
H4  Mechanics, male labour force 15yrs+
H5  Other trades n.e.c., male labour force 15yrs+
H6  Heavy equip. & crane operators incl. drillers, male labour force 15yrs+
H7  Transport. equip. oper. & related workers, excl. labourers, male 15yrs+
H8  Trades helpers, construction, & transport. labourers & related
occup., M. labour force 15yrs+
I Occupations unique to primary industry, male labour force 15yrs+
I0  Occupations unique agriculture excl. labourers, M. labour force 15yrs+
I1  Occupations unique to forestry operations, mining, oil & gas
extraction, & fishing, excl. labourers, male labour force 15yrs+
I2  Primary production labourers, male labour force 15yrs+
J Occupations unique to processing, manufac. & utilities, male 15yrs+
J0  Supervisors in manufacturing, male labour force 15yrs+
J1  Machine operators in manufacturing, male labour force 15yrs+
J2  Assemblers in manufacturing, male labour force 15yrs+
J3  Labourers in processing, manufac. & utilities, male labour force 15yrs+
Female labour force 15yrs+ by occupational broad categories &
occupation major groups (20% sample data)
Occupation - Not applicable, female labour force 15yrs+
All occupations, female labour force 15yrs+
A Management occupations, female labour force 15yrs+
A0  Senior management occupations, female labour force 15yrs+
A1  Specialist managers, female labour force 15yrs+
A2  Managers retail trade, food & accommod. serv., female lab. force 15yrs+
A3  Other managers n.e.c., female labour force 15yrs+
B Business, finance & administrative occupations, female labour force 15yrs+
B0  Professional occup. in business & finance, female labour force 15yrs+
B1  Finance & insurance administrative occup., female labour force 15yrs+
B2  Secretaries, female labour force 15yrs+
B3  Administrative and regulatory occupations, female labour force 15yrs+
B4  Clerical supervisors, female labour force 15yrs+
B5  Clerical occupations, female labour force 15yrs+
C Natural & applied sciences & related occupations, F. labour force 15yrs+
C0  Professional occup. natural & applied sciences, female lab. for. 15yrs+
C1  Technical occup. related to natural & applied sciences, female 15yrs+
D Health occupations, female labour force 15yrs+
D0  Professional occupations in health, female labour force 15yrs+
D1  Nurse supervisors and registered nurses, female labour force 15yrs+
D2  Technical and related occupations in health, female labour force 15yrs+
D3  Assisting occup. in support of health serv., female labour force 15yrs+
E Occupations social science, education, govern. serv. & relig., F. 15yrs+
E0  Judges, lawyers, psychologists, social workers, ministers of
religion, & policy & program officers, female labour force 15yrs+
E1  Teachers and professors, female labour force 15yrs+
E2  Paralegals, social serv. workers & occup. in education & religion
n.e.c., F. labour force 15yrs+
F Occupations in art, culture, recreation & sport, female labour force 15yrs+
F0  Professional occupations in art and culture, female labour force
F1  Technical occup. art, culture, recreation & sport, female 15yrs+
G Sales and service occupations, female labour force 15yrs+
G0  Sales and service supervisors, female labour force 15yrs+
G1  Wholesale, technical, insurance, real estate sales specialists, &
retail, wholesale & grain buyers, female labour force 15yrs+
G2  Retail salespersons and sales clerks, female labour force 15yrs+
G3  Cashiers, female labour force 15yrs+
G4  Chefs and cooks, female labour force 15yrs+
G5  Occupations in food and beverage service, female labour force 15yrs+
G6  Occupations in protective services, female labour force 15yrs+
G7  Occupations travel & accommodation incl. attendants in recreation
& sport, female labour force 15yrs+
G8  Childcare and home support workers, female labour force 15yrs+
G9  Sales and service occupations n.e.c., female labour force 15yrs+
H Trades, transport & equip. operators & related occupation, female 15yrs+
H0  Contractors & supervisors trades & transport., female lab. force 15yrs+
H1  Construction trades, female labour force 15yrs+
H2  Stationary engineers, power station operators & electrical trades
& telecommunications occupations, female labour force 15yrs+
H3  Machinists, metal forming, shaping & erecting occupation female 15yrs+
H4  Mechanics, female labour force 15yrs+
H5  Other trades n.e.c., female labour force 15yrs+
H6  Heavy equip. & crane operators incl. drillers, female lab. force 15yrs+
H7  Transportation equip. operators & related workers, excl.
labourers, F. 15yrs+
H8  Trades helpers, construction, & transportation labourers & related
occup., female labour force 15yrs+
I Occupations unique to primary industry, female labour force 15yrs+
I0  Occupations unique to agriculture excl. labourers, female 15yrs+
I1  Occupations unique to forestry operations, mining, oil & gas
extraction, & fishing, excl. labourers, female labour force 15yrs+
I2  Primary production labourers, female labour force 15yrs+
J Occupations unique to processing, manufacturing & utilities, female 15yrs+
J0  Supervisors in manufacturing, female labour force 15yrs+
J1  Machine operators in manufacturing, female labour force 15yrs+
J2  Assemblers in manufacturing, female labour force 15yrs+
J3  Labourers in processing, manufac. & utilities, female lab. force 15yrs+
Total labour force 15 yrs+ by class of worker (20% sample data)
Class of worker - Not applicable, total labour force 15yrs+
All classes of worker, total labour force 15yrs+
Paid workers, total labour force 15yrs+
Employees, total labour force 15yrs+
Self-employed (incorporated), total labour force 15yrs+
Without paid help, total labour force 15yrs+
With paid help, total labour force 15yrs+
Self-employed (unincorporated), total labour force 15yrs+
Without paid help, total labour force 15yrs+
With paid help, total labour force 15yrs+
Unpaid family workers, total labour force 15yrs+
Male labour force 15 yrs+ by class of worker (20% sample data)
Class of worker - Not applicable, male labour force 15yrs+
All classes of worker, male labour force 15yrs+
Paid workers, male labour force 15yrs+
Employees, male labour force 15yrs+
Self-employed (incorporated), male labour force 15yrs+
Without paid help, male labour force 15yrs+
With paid help, male labour force 15yrs+
Self-employed (unincorporated), male labour force 15yrs+
Without paid help, male labour force 15yrs+
With paid help, male labour force 15yrs+
Unpaid family workers, male labour force 15yrs+
Female labour force 15 yrs+ by class of worker (20% sample data)
Class of worker - Not applicable, female labour force 15yrs+
All classes of worker, female labour force 15yrs+
Paid workers, female labour force 15yrs+
Employees, female labour force 15yrs+
Self-employed (incorporated), female labour force 15yrs+
Without paid help, female labour force 15yrs+
With paid help, female labour force 15yrs+
Self-employed (unincorporated), female labour force 15yrs+
Without paid help, female labour force 15yrs+
With paid help, female labour force 15yrs+
Unpaid family workers, female labour force 15yrs+
Population 15 yrs+ by hours of unpaid housework (20% sample data)
No hours of housework, population 15yrs+, unpaid housework
Less than 5 hours of housework, population 15yrs+
5 to 14 hours of housework, population 15yrs+ unpaid housework
15 to 29 hours of housework, population 15yrs+ unpaid housework
30 to 59 hours of housework, population 15yrs+ unpaid housework
60 or more hours of housework, population 15yrs+ unpaid housework
Males 15 yrs+ by hours of unpaid housework (20% sample data)
No hours of housework, males 15 yrs+ unpaid housework
Less than 5 hours of housework, males 15 yrs+ unpaid housework
5 to 14 hours of housework, males 15 yrs+ unpaid housework
15 to 29 hours of housework, males 15 yrs+ unpaid housework
30 to 59 hours of housework, males 15 yrs+ unpaid housework
60 or more hours of housework, males 15 yrs+ unpaid housework
Females 15 yrs+ by hours of unpaid housework (20% sample data)
No hours of housework, females 15yrs+ unpaid housework
Less than 5 hours of housework, females 15yrs+ unpaid housework
5 to 14 hours of housework, females 15yrs+ unpaid housework
15 to 29 hours of housework, females 15yrs+ unpaid housework
30 to 59 hours of housework, females 15yrs+ unpaid housework
60 or more hours of housework, females 15yrs+ unpaid housework
Population 15 years and over by hours of unpaid childcare (20% sample data)
No hours of childcare, population 15yrs+, unpaid childcare
Less than 5 hours of childcare, population 15yrs+ unpaid childcare
5 to 14 hours of childcare, population 15yrs+ unpaid childcare
15 to 29 hours of childcare, population 15yrs+ unpaid childcare
30 to 59 hours of childcare, population 15yrs+ unpaid childcare
60 or more hours of childcare, population 15yrs+ unpaid childcare
Males 15 years and over by hours of unpaid childcare (20% sample data)
No hours of childcare, males 15yrs+ unpaid childcare
Less than 5 hours of childcare, males 15yrs+ unpaid childcare
5 to 14 hours of childcare, males 15yrs+ unpaid childcare
15 to 29 hours of childcare, males 15yrs+ unpaid childcare
30 to 59 hours of childcare, males 15yrs+ unpaid childcare
60 or more hours of childcare, males 15yrs+ unpaid childcare
Females 15 years and over by hours of unpaid childcare (20% sample data)
No hours of childcare, females 15 yrs+ unpaid childcare
Less than 5 hours of childcare, females 15 yrs+ unpaid childcare
5 to 14 hours of childcare, females 15 yrs+ unpaid childcare
15 to 29 hours of childcare, females 15 yrs+ unpaid childcare
30 to 59 hours of childcare, females 15 yrs+ unpaid childcare
60 or more hours of childcare, females 15 yrs+ unpaid childcare
Population 15 yrs+ by hours of unpaid care to seniors (20% sample data)
No hours of care to seniors, population 15yrs+ unpaid care to seniors
Less than 5 hours of care to seniors, pop. 15yrs+ unpaid care to seniors
5 to 9 hours of care to seniors, population 15yrs+ unpaid care to seniors
10 or more hours of care to seniors, population 15yrs+ unpaid care to seniors
Males 15 yrs+ by hours of unpaid care to seniors (20% sample data)
No hours of care to seniors, males 15yrs+ unpaid care to seniors
Less than 5 hours of care to seniors, males 15yrs+ unpaid care to seniors
5 to 9 hours of care to seniors, males 15yrs+ unpaid care to seniors
10 or more hours of care to seniors, males 15yrs+ unpaid care to seniors
Females 15 yrs+ by hours of unpaid care to seniors (20% sample data)
No hours of care to seniors, females 15yrs+ unpaid care to seniors
Less than 5 hours of care to seniors, females 15yrs+ unpaid care to seniors
5 to 9 hours of care to seniors, females 15yrs+ unpaid care to seniors
10 or more hours of care to seniors, females 15yrs+ unpaid care to seniors
Total employed labour force 15 yrs+ by place of work status (20% sample data)
Males, employed labour force 15yrs+, by place of work status
Usual place of work, males employed labour force 15yrs+
In CSD of residence, males employed labour force 15yrs+
In different CSD, males employed labour force 15yrs+
In same CD, males employed labour force 15yrs+
At home, males employed labour force 15yrs+
Outside Canada, nales employed labour force 15yrs+
No fixed workplace, males employed labour force 15yrs+
Females, employed labour force 15yrs+ by place of work
Usual place of work, females employed labour force 15yrs+
In CSD of residence, females employed labour force 15yrs+
In different CSD, females employed labour force 15yrs+
In same CD, females employed labour force 15yrs+
At home, females employed labour force 15yrs+
Outside Canada, females employed labour force 15yrs+
No fixed workplace, females employed labour force 15yrs+
Total employed labour force 15 yrs+ by mode of transportation (20% sample data)
Males with usual place of work or no fixed workplace, employed 15yrs+
Car/truck/van as driver, M. usual place of work or no fixed workplace, 15yrs+
Car/truck/van as passenger, M. usual place of work or no fixed workplace, 15yrs+
Public transit, males with usual place of work or no fixed workplace, 15yrs+
Walked to work, males with usual place of work or no fixed workplace, 15yrs+
Bicycle, males with usual place of work or no fixed workplace, 15yrs+
Motorcycle, males with usual place of work or no fixed workplace, 15yrs+
Taxicab, males with usual place of work or no fixed workplace, 15yrs+
Other method, males with usual place of work or no fixed workplace, 15yrs+
Females with usual place of work or no fixed workplace, employed 15yrs+
Car/truck/van as driver, F. with place of work or no fixed workpl., 15yrs+
Car/truck/van as pass., F. with place of work or no fixed workpl., 15yrs+
Public transit, females with place of work or no fixed workplace, 15yrs+
Walked to work, females with place of work or no fixed workplace, 15yrs+
Bicycle, females with place of work or no fixed workplace, 15yrs+
Motorcycle, females with place of work or no fixed workplace, 15yrs+
Taxicab, females with place of work or no fixed workplace, 15yrs+
Other method, females with place of work or no fixed workplace, 15yrs+

Total population, 15 to 24 years by school attendance (20% sample data)
Not attending school, population 15 to 24 years
Attending school full-time, population 15 to 24 years
Attending school part-time, population 15 to 24 years
Total population 15 years and over by highest level of schooling (20%
sample data)
Less than grade 9, pop. 15 years and over by highest level of schooling
Grades 9 to 13, pop. 15 years and over by highest level of schooling
Without sec. school graduation certificate, grades 9 to 13, pop. 15 yrs+
With sec. school graduation certificate, grades 9 to 13, pop. 15 yrs+
Trades certificate or diploma, pop. 15 yrs+ by highest level of schooling
Other non-university educ. only, pop. 15 yrs+ by highest level of schooling
Without certificate or diploma, other non-univ. educ. only, pop. 15 yrs+
With certificate or diploma, other non-univ. educ. only, pop. 15 yrs+
University, pop. 15 years and over by highest level of schooling
Without degree, university, pop. 15 yrs+ by highest level of schooling
Without certificate or dipl., univ., pop. 15 yrs+ by highest level school.
With certificate or dipl., univ., pop. 15 yrs+ by highest level schooling
With bachelor's degree or higher, pop. 15 yrs+ by highest level schooling
Males with postsecondary qualifications by major field of study (20%
sample data)
Educational, recreational and counselling services, males
Fine and applied arts, males
Humanities and related fields, males
Social sciences and related fields, males
Commerce, management and business administration, males
Agricultural and biological sciences/technologies, males
Engineering and applied sciences, males
Engineering and applied science technologies and trades, males
Health professions, sciences and technologies, males
Mathematics and physical sciences, males
No specialization and all other, n.e.c., males
Females with postsecondary qualifications by major field of study (20%
sample data)
Educational, recreational and counselling services, females
Fine and applied arts, females
Humanities and related fields, females
Social sciences and related fields, females
Commerce, management and business administration, females
Agricultural and biological sciences/technologies, females
Engineering and applied sciences, females
Engineering and applied science technologies and trades, females
Health professions, sciences and technologies, females
Mathematics and physical sciences, females
No specialization and all other, n.e.c., females
Total by mobility status 1 year ago (20% sample data)
Non-movers, by mobility status 1 year ago
Movers, by mobility status 1 year ago
Non-migrants, movers, by mobility status 1 year ago
Migrants, movers, by mobility status 1 year ago
Internal migrants, movers, by mobility status 1 year ago
Intraprovincial migrants, movers, by mobility status 1 year ago
Interprovincial migrants, movers, by mobility status 1 year ago
External migrants, movers, by mobility status 1 year ago
Total by mobility status 5 years ago (20% sample data)
Non-movers, by mobility 5 years ago
Movers, by mobility 5 years ago
Non-migrants, movers, by mobility 5 years ago
Migrants, movers, by mobility 5 years ago
Internal migrants, movers, by mobility 5 years ago
Intraprovincial migrants, movers, by mobility 5 years ago
Interprovincial migrants, movers, by mobility 5 years ago
External migrants, movers, by mobility 5 years ago

All persons with employment income by work activity (20% sample data)
Average employment income $, all persons with employment income
Standard error of average employment income $, all persons with employ. inc.
Worked full year, full time, all persons with employment income
Average employment income $, all pers. worked full year, full time
Standard error of average employ. income $, pers. work full year/full time
Worked part year or part time, all persons with employment income
Average employment income $, all pers. worked part year or part time
Standard error of average employ. income $, pers. work part year/part time
Males with employment income by work activity (20% sample data)
Average employment income $, males with employment income
Standard error of average employment income $, males with employment income
Worked full year, full time, males with employment income
Average employment income $, males worked full year, full time
Standard error of average employ. income $, males work full year/full time
Worked part year or part time, males with employment income
Average employment income $, males worked part year or part time
Standard error of average employ. income $, males work part year/part time
Females with employment income by work activity (20% sample data)
Average employment income $, females with employment income
Standard error of average employment income $, females with employ. income
Worked full year, full time, females with employment income
Average employment income $, females worked full year, full time
Standard error of average employ. income $, females work full yr/full time
Worked part year or part time, females with employment income
Average employment income $, females wroked part year or part time
Standard error of average employ. income $, females work part yr/part time
Total - Composition of total income % (20% sample data)
Employment income % - composition of total income
Government transfer payments % - composition of total income
Other %  - composition of total income
Population 15 years and over (20% sample data)
Without income, population 15 years and over
With income, population 15 years and over
Under $1,000, population 15 years and over
$  1,000 - $  2,999, population 15 years and over
$  3,000 - $  4,999, population 15 years and over
$  5,000 - $  6,999, population 15 years and over
$  7,000 - $  9,999, population 15 years and over
$10,000 - $11,999, population 15 years and over
$12,000 - $14,999, population 15 years and over
$15,000 - $19,999, population 15 years and over
$20,000 - $24,999, population 15 years and over
$25,000 - $29,999, population 15 years and over
$30,000 - $34,999, population 15 years and over
$35,000 - $39,999, population 15 years and over
$40,000 - $44,999, population 15 years and over
$45,000 - $49,999, population 15 years and over
$50,000 - $59,999, population 15 years and over
$60,000 and over, population 15 years and over
Average income $, population 15 years and over
Median income $, population 15 years and over
Standard error of average income $, population 15 years and over
Males 15 years and over (20% sample data)
Without income, males 15 years and over
With income, males 15 years and over
Under $1,000, males 15 years and over
$  1,000 - $  2,999, males 15 years and over
$  3,000 - $  4,999, males 15 years and over
$  5,000 - $  6,999, males 15 years and over
$  7,000 - $  9,999, males 15 years and over
$10,000 - $11,999, males 15 years and over
$12,000 - $14,999, males 15 years and over
$15,000 - $19,999, males 15 years and over
$20,000 - $24,999, males 15 years and over
$25,000 - $29,999, males 15 years and over
$30,000 - $34,999, males 15 years and over
$35,000 - $39,999, males 15 years and over
$40,000 - $44,999, males 15 years and over
$45,000 - $49,999, males 15 years and over
$50,000 - $59,999, males 15 years and over
$60,000 and over , males 15 years and over
Average income $, males 15 years and over
Median income $, males 15 years and over
Standard error of average income $, males 15 years and over
Females 15 years and over (20% sample data)
Without income, females 15 years and over
With income, females 15 years and over
Under $1,000, females 15 years and over
$  1,000 - $  2,999, females 15 years and over
$  3,000 - $  4,999, females 15 years and over
$  5,000 - $  6,999, females 15 years and over
$  7,000 - $  9,999, females 15 years and over
$10,000 - $11,999, females 15 years and over
$12,000 - $14,999, females 15 years and over
$15,000 - $19,999, females 15 years and over
$20,000 - $24,999, females 15 years and over
$25,000 - $29,999, females 15 years and over
$30,000 - $34,999, females 15 years and over
$35,000 - $39,999, females 15 years and over
$40,000 - $44,999, females 15 years and over
$45,000 - $49,999, females 15 years and over
$50,000 - $59,999, females 15 years and over
$60,000 and over, females 15 years and over
Average income $, females 15 years and over
Median income $, females 15 years and over
Standard error of average income $, females 15 years and over
All census families (20% sample data)
Under $10,000, family income of all families
$  10,000 - $19,999, family income of all families
$  20,000 - $29,999, family income of all families
$  30,000 - $39,999, family income of all families
$  40,000 - $49,999, family income of all families
$  50,000 - $59,999, family income of all families
$  60,000 - $69,999, family income of all families
$  70,000 - $79,999, family income of all families
$  80,000 - $89,999, family income of all families
$  90,000 - $99,999, family income of all families
$100,000 and over, family income of all families
Average family income $ of all families
Median family income $ of all families
Standard error of average family income $ of all families
Husband-wife families (20% sample data)
Under $10,000, family income of husband-wife families
$  10,000 - $19,999, family income of husband-wife families
$  20,000 - $29,999, family income of husband-wife families
$  30,000 - $39,999, family income of husband-wife families
$  40,000 - $49,999, family income of husband-wife families
$  50,000 - $59,999, family income of husband-wife families
$  60,000 - $69,999, family income of husband-wife families
$  70,000 - $79,999, family income of husband-wife families
$  80,000 - $89,999, family income of husband-wife families
$  90,000 - $99,999, family income of husband-wife families
$100,000 and over, family income of husband-wife families
Average family income $ of husband-wife families
Median family income $ of husband-wife families
Standard error of average family income $ of husband-wife families
All census families (20% sample data)
Average family income $, all census families
Standard error of average family income $, all census families
Husband-wife families, census families
Average family income $, husband-wife families
Standard error of average family income $, husband-wife families
Male lone-parent families, census families
Average family income $, male lone-parent families
Standard error of average family income $, male lone-parent families
Female lone-parent families, census families
Average family income $, females lone-parent families
Standard error of average family income $, females lone parent families
Non-family persons 15 years and over (20% sample data)
Under $1,000, income of non-family persons 15 years and over
$  1,000 - $  2,999, income of non-family persons 15 years and over
$  3,000 - $  4,999, income of non-family persons 15 years and over
$  5,000 - $  6,999, income of non-family persons 15 years and over
$  7,000 - $  9,999, income of non-family persons 15 years and over
$10,000 - $11,999, income of non-family persons 15 years and over
$12,000 - $14,999, income of non-family persons 15 years and over
$15,000 - $19,999, income of non-family persons 15 years and over
$20,000 - $24,999, income of non-family persons 15 years and over
$25,000 - $29,999, income of non-family persons 15 years and over
$30,000 - $34,999, income of non-family persons 15 years and over
$35,000 - $39,999, income of non-family persons 15 years and over
$40,000 - $44,999, income of non-family persons 15 years and over
$45,000 - $49,999, income of non-family persons 15 years and over
$50,000 - $59,999, income of non-family persons 15 years and over
$60,000  and over, income of non-family persons 15 years and over
Average income $, income of non-family persons 15 years and over
Median income  $, income of non-family persons 15 years and over
Standard error of average income $, income of non-family persons 15 yrs+
Male non-family persons 15 years and over (20% sample data)
Under $1,000, income of male non-family persons 15 years and over
$  1,000 - $  2,999, income of male non-family persons 15 years and over
$  3,000 - $  4,999, income of male non-family persons 15 years and over
$  5,000 - $  6,999, income of male non-family persons 15 years and over
$  7,000 - $  9,999, income of male non-family persons 15 years and over
$10,000 - $11,999, income of male non-family persons 15 years and over
$12,000 - $14,999, income of male non-family persons 15 years and over
$15,000 - $19,999, income of male non-family persons 15 years and over
$20,000 - $24,999, income of male non-family persons 15 years and over
$25,000 - $29,999, income of male non-family persons 15 years and over
$30,000 - $34,999, income of male non-family persons 15 years and over
$35,000 - $39,999, income of male non-family persons 15 years and over
$40,000 - $44,999, income of male non-family persons 15 years and over
$45,000 - $49,999, income of male non-family persons 15 years and over
$50,000 - $59,999, income of male non-family persons 15 years and over
$60,000 and over, income of male non-family persons 15 years and over
Average income $, income of male non-family persons 15 years and over
Median income  $, income of male non-family persons 15 years and over
Standard error of average income $, income of male non-family pers. 15 yrs+
Female non-family persons 15 years and over (20% sample data)
Under $1,000, income of female non-family persons 15 years and over
$  1,000 - $  2,999, income of female non-family persons 15 years and over
$  3,000 - $  4,999, income of female non-family persons 15 years and over
$  5,000 - $  6,999, income of female non-family persons 15 years and over
$  7,000 - $  9,999, income of female non-family persons 15 years and over
$10,000 - $11,999, income of female non-family persons 15 years and over
$12,000 - $14,999, income of female non-family persons 15 years and over
$15,000 - $19,999, income of female non-family persons 15 years and over
$20,000 - $24,999, income of female non-family persons 15 years and over
$25,000 - $29,999, income of female non-family persons 15 years and over
$30,000 - $34,999, income of female non-family persons 15 years and over
$35,000 - $39,999, income of female non-family persons 15 years and over
$40,000 - $44,999, income of female non-family persons 15 years and over
$45,000 - $49,999, income of female non-family persons 15 years and over
$50,000 - $59,999, income of female non-family persons 15 years and over
$60,000 and over, income of female non-family persons 15 years and over
Average income $, income of female non-family persons 15 years and over
Median income  $, income of female non-family persons 15 years and over
Standard error of average income $, income of female non-fam. pers. 15 yrs+
Total - Economic families (20% sample data)
Low income - economic families
Other - economic families
Incidence of low income % - economic families
Total - Unattached individuals (20% sample data)
Low income - unattached individuals
Other - unattached individuals
Incidence of low income % - unattached individuals
Total - Population in private households (20% sample data)
Low income - population in private households
Other - population in private households
Incidence of low income % - population in private households
All private households (20% sample data)
Under $10,000, household income of all private households
$  10,000 - $19,999, household income of all private households
$  20,000 - $29,999, household income of all private households
$  30,000 - $39,999, household income of all private households
$  40,000 - $49,999, household income of all private households
$  50,000 - $59,999, household income of all private households
$  60,000 - $69,999, household income of all private households
$  70,000 - $79,999, household income of all private households
$  80,000 - $89,999, household income of all private households
$  90,000 - $99,999, household income of all private households
$100,000 and over, household income of all private households
Average household income $ of all private households
Median household income $ of all private households
Standard error of average household income $ of all private households
One person households (20% sample data)
Under $10,000, household income of one person households
$  10,000 - $19,999, household income of one person households
$  20,000 - $29,999, household income of one person households
$  30,000 - $39,999, household income of one person households
$  40,000 - $49,999, household income of one person households
$  50,000 - $59,999, household income of one person households
$  60,000 - $69,999, household income of one person households
$  70,000 - $79,999, household income of one person households
$  80,000 - $89,999, household income of one person households
$  90,000 - $99,999, household income of one person households
$100,000 and over, household income of one person households
Average household income $ of one person households
Median household income $ of one person households
Standard error of average household income $ of one person households
Two or more person households (20% sample data)
Under $10,000, household income of two or more person households
$  10,000 - $19,999, household income of two or more person households
$  20,000 - $29,999, household income of two or more person households
$  30,000 - $39,999, household income of two or more person households
$  40,000 - $49,999, household income of two or more person households
$  50,000 - $59,999, household income of two or more person households
$  60,000 - $69,999, household income of two or more person households
$  70,000 - $79,999, household income of two or more person households
$  80,000 - $89,999, household income of two or more person households
$  90,000 - $99,999, household income of two or more person households
$100,000 and over, household income of two or more person households
Average household income $ of two or more person households
Median household income $ of two or more person households
Standard error of average household income $ of two or more persons households

Total number of economic families in private households (20% sample data)
Size of economic family, 2 persons
Size of economic family, 3 persons
Size of economic family, 4 persons
Size of economic family, 5 or more persons
Total number of persons in economic families
Average number of persons per economic family
Total number of unattached individuals
Total no. of census families in private households by no. and status
of family members in the labour force (20% sample data)
Number of now-married and common-law couple families
No member in the labour force, now-married and common-law couple families
Some members in the labour force, now-married and common-law couple families
One member only in labour force, now-married and common-law couple families
Two or more members in labour force, now-married and common-law couple families
Both spouses/partners in labour force, now-married/common-law couple families
Number of lone-parent families
No member in labour force, lone-parent families
Some members in the labour force, lone-parent families
Parent in labour force, lone-parent families
Total number of occupied private dwellings (20% sample data)
Average number of rooms per dwelling
Average number of bedrooms per dwelling
Average value of dwelling $
Owned, dwelling
Rented, dwelling
Band housing, dwelling
Regular maintenance only, dwelling
Minor repairs, dwelling
Major repairs, dwelling
Period of construction, before 1946, dwelling
Period of construction, 1946-1960, dwelling
Period of construction, 1961-1970, dwelling
Period of construction, 1971-1980, dwelling
Period of construction, 1981-1990, dwelling
Period of construction, 1991-1996, dwelling
Total number of private households by household type (20% sample data)
One-family households, number of private households
Multiple-family households, number of private households
Non-family households, number of private households
Number of persons in private households (20% sample data)
Average number of persons in private households
Tenant one-family households without additional persons
Average gross rent $
Gross rent spending  30% or more of household income on shelter costs
Owner one-family households without additional persons
Average owner's major payments $
Owner's major payments spending 30% or m...

Tracey P. Lauriault

Tracey P. Lauriault