Re: maybe OT - values of CivicAccess

Posted by Hugh McGuire-2 on

> I'm curious: what makes you think the values of Civic Access are  
> being shanghied?
not speaking for michael, but i don't think there is a concern that  
values of of CivicAccess are being shanghied. rather a desire to  
recognize that the collection of people her come from different  
philosophical and practical angles.

strangely, though I know michael well, i never really understood why  
my particular concern about open data -- that is, "better decision-
making" -- was not michael's interest in the issue. I never quite got  
what his interest was ... answered in his last post: a question of  
justice: ie, all citizens should have access to the same benefits from  
the government, not just corporates who can afford to pay high feeds  
for government data.

that makes for a very different take on things, as does a desire for  
more efficiency, better tax/spending accountability etc.

they are all different reasons for being interested in civic access  
issues ...

so not to put words in michael's mouth, i'll instead say what I think  
about all this: the issue of civic access is important enough that a  
broad coalition of people/groups can support it, without having to  
agree on the reason for *why* they want civic access to happen...but  
we should also remember that the group here spans the political and  
philosophical spectrum.