"The UK government is certainly taking a long and winding road towards
Free Software and Open Standards. The UK's public sector doesn't use a
lot of Free Software, and many smaller Free Software companies have
found it comparatively hard to get public sector buyers for their
products and services. The main reason is that government agencies at
all levels are locked into proprietary, vendor-specific file formats.
... The UK government has released a new Open Standards policy. With
this policy (PDF), and in particular with its strong definition of
Open Standards, the UK government sets an example that governments
elsewhere should aspire to,' says Karsten Gerloff, President of the
Free Software Foundation Europe. Under the new policy, effective
immediately, patents that are essential to implementing a standard
must be licensed without royalties or restrictions that would prevent
their implementation in Free Software."
/. article:
http://news.slashdot.org/story/12/11/02/2056247/uk-takes-huge-step-forward-on-open-standardsUK Policy PDF: