publicly available data recommended as part of Oilsands monitoring system

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publicly available data recommended as part of Oilsands monitoring system

Michael Lenczner-2

"The federal report submitted at the end of 2010 found that Alberta
did not have a state-of-the-art monitoring system in place. “We are
convinced that the current activities could be transformed into a
system that will provide credible data for decisions – a system that
will allow us to know the current conditions and trends in the oil
sands ecosystem and encourage the necessary foresight to prevent a
compromised environment,” the report said. It recommended a robust
system administered by Environment Canada.

The provincial panel recommended 20 changes, including creating an
arms-length monitoring “commission” and making data publicly

Michael Lenczner
CEO, Ajah
1-888-406-2524 (AJAH)