our thoughts on the Vancouver Foundation adopting creative commons license

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our thoughts on the Vancouver Foundation adopting creative commons license

Michael Lenczner-2
Hi all,

I thought that there would be people that would be interested in this story / issue.


"We were excited to hear the news from the Vancouver Foundation last week: they will start releasing their information and their data under open copyright licenses. This is a bold move by the Vancouver Foundation, and one that will help ensure that Canadian funders keep up with their counterparts in the US and the UK.  As they develop this policy over the next year, we want to encourage the Vancouver Foundation to incorporate data standards in order to ensure that the data they make available is used.

       Data Philanthropy

We believe that the nonprofit sector needs to make better use of data. That’s why we created PoweredbyData — to increase the amount of data available to the sector by helping funders and governments open up their information.

Over the past year, PoweredbyData advised foundations and governments in Canada and in Europe — all of whom are large grantmakers ($100M+/year) — on their open data policies. Like the Vancouver Foundation, they were all looking to increase their impact by giving away not only money, but also their information.

The Need for Standards

This is an exciting trend, but opening information and data is obviously not a goal in and of itself. For the Vancouver Foundation and for the other funders we’ve worked with, it is a way to encourage collaboration, stimulate innovation, and improve the effective functioning of the nonprofit sector. Those outcomes are only possible when the information is used..."

Michael Lenczner
CEO, Ajah

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