opening up information & referral data

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opening up information & referral data

Michael Lenczner-2
Hi folks,

I just wrote a blog entry on opening information & referral data that I thought some of you might find interesting.

It's a more nuanced issue than the normal open data case, since it's not government data, but information that is currently being collected by non-profits and, in many cases, sold to social service agencies and municipalities to bring in revenues. But it's a key part of the information infrastructure of the non-profit sector and we're sure that it needs to be available as open data in structured formats for the sector to move forward.

Hope everyone's having a good summer, and a big welcome back to Canada to Tracey, who has just returned from two years of a post-doc in Ireland and who will be starting her new job at Carleton in the fall. 

Michael Lenczner
CEO, Ajah

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