new - maps and geospatial data releases

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new - maps and geospatial data releases

Tracey P. Lauriault

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This message is sent on behalf of Ann Martin, Director, Data Dissemination Division, Mapping Information Branch, Natural Resources Canada.

Natural Resources Canada invites you to browse our latest selection of maps and geospatial data releases:

New Canadian Topographic Maps

    New and updated Canadian Topographic Maps now available via GeoGratis include 104 maps at 1:50 000 scale covering areas in the Atlantic Provinces, Quebec, Ontario, the Prairies and Canada’s North. The maps released in the North include 38 brand new maps covering large areas of Baffin Island previously unmapped at 1:50 000 scale. These new maps are the first of 1600 new topographic maps of Canada's northern regions to be produced by NRCan over the next two and a half years.

    See the complete list of newly released topographic maps on GeoGratis.

    Paper copies of all Canadian Topographic Maps are also available through Regional Distributors of the Canada Map Office, and through Certified Map Printers who ensure local, high quality, on-demand plotting of topographic maps.

New CanVec 1:50 000 Data

    This fifth release of CanVec includes the addition of 154 new datasets, update of National Road Network data for nine provinces and territories, and the update of geographical names for the entity “Named feature”. An improved symbology file is now available in the GeoGratis FAQ section. For more information, please refer to the CanVec Release notes.

New Toporama Data

    This third release of the Toporama product corresponds to the fifth release of CanVec, and includes the addition of 154 new datasets, the update of the National Road Network data for nine provinces and territories, and the update of geographical names for the entity “Named feature”. For more information, please refer to the Toporama Release notes.

New from the National Air Photo Library

    New 2009 aerial photographs covering Ottawa were recently added to the National Air Photo Library's collection of over six million photographs covering all of Canada. These new air photos can be viewed through NAPL On-Line, along with over 434 000 other digital aerial photographs covering various regions of Canada.

New from the Atlas of Canada

    Atlas of Canada 2010 Winter Olympics Mapping Project – The Atlas of Canada has published a special series of interactive maps in advance of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games. The Winter Olympic Medallists Map depicts the birthplace of past Canadian Winter Olympic and Paralympic medallists. As Canada’s new Winter Olympic medal winners emerge during the Vancouver games, this interactive map will be updated to show their birthplaces.

    A promotional poster map has also been produced depicting the location of 2010 Olympic sites. The poster map covers a large region of southern British Columbia, and uses detailed inset maps to show all Olympic venues.

New from GeoBase

    New National Hydro Network (NHN) data – Data for 38 drainage areas were recently published, bringing the total number of NHN datasets available on the GeoBase portal to 1130. This release includes drainage areas in the Hudson Bay Lowlands and in the far north. Our latest newsletter is online!

Further announcements on new mapping and geospatial product releases by Natural Resources Canada will follow. For more information, please visit the GeoGratis "What's New" page or contact us at: [hidden email].

Thank you!

Tracey P. Lauriault