go register on freebase.com

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go register on freebase.com

Daniel Haran
This call goes out to all my fellow data nerds on the list.

Go register for an account on freebase.com.

It's a wiki for structured semantic information. Here's an example of
what that means in practice: After adding an entry for Laval
University, I added the faculty of medicine as a "Subsidiary or
Constituent School". The faculty page was updated to reflect that the
university of laval is its "Parent Institution".

So it's a wiki that's smart about relationship types between its entries.

The data is licensed under a Creative Commons license. Queries can be
made that use those relationships "Find all politicians in party X
that went to university in province Y" is the type of query that
becomes possible as soon as the data is available.

It's still in alpha, and is an invitation-only affair. It has rough
edges, but it's one of the more interesting tech developments I've
seen in years. I believe it will make a huge difference in how we
approach civic access discussions in the near future.



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Hugh McGuire
daniel, is it easy to get an invite? 

On May 4, 2007, at 7:08 PM, Daniel Haran wrote:

This call goes out to all my fellow data nerds on the list.

Go register for an account on freebase.com.

It's a wiki for structured semantic information. Here's an example of
what that means in practice: After adding an entry for Laval
University, I added the faculty of medicine as a "Subsidiary or
Constituent School". The faculty page was updated to reflect that the
university of laval is its "Parent Institution".

So it's a wiki that's smart about relationship types between its entries.

The data is licensed under a Creative Commons license. Queries can be
made that use those relationships "Find all politicians in party X
that went to university in province Y" is the type of query that
becomes possible as soon as the data is available.

It's still in alpha, and is an invitation-only affair. It has rough
edges, but it's one of the more interesting tech developments I've
seen in years. I believe it will make a huge difference in how we
approach civic access discussions in the near future.



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Re: freebase.com

Daniel Haran
I now have invites I can send out to people, only 4 left.

This reminds me of the early days of gmail, except this time I'm in
the first 2000 to get one :)

On 5/7/07, Hugh McGuire <[hidden email]> wrote:

> daniel, is it easy to get an invite?
> On May 4, 2007, at 7:08 PM, Daniel Haran wrote:
> This call goes out to all my fellow data nerds on the list.
> Go register for an account on freebase.com.
> It's a wiki for structured semantic information. Here's an example of
> what that means in practice: After adding an entry for Laval
> University, I added the faculty of medicine as a "Subsidiary or
> Constituent School". The faculty page was updated to reflect that the
> university of laval is its "Parent Institution".
> So it's a wiki that's smart about relationship types between its entries.
> The data is licensed under a Creative Commons license. Queries can be
> made that use those relationships "Find all politicians in party X
> that went to university in province Y" is the type of query that
> becomes possible as soon as the data is available.
> It's still in alpha, and is an invitation-only affair. It has rough
> edges, but it's one of the more interesting tech developments I've
> seen in years. I believe it will make a huge difference in how we
> approach civic access discussions in the near future.
> Cheers,
> Daniel.
> --
> Change the world one loan at a time - visit Kiva.org to find out how
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