getting ready to open the doors

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getting ready to open the doors

Michael Lenczner
Two remarks

1) based on the few great conversations that have already taken place
here we're happy to see that there is obviously a need for this space
(accescivic / civicaccess).

2) we should be making this conversation public ASAP.

I discussed this with Tracey and Patrick (Stephane was away getting
married(!) but he's back now) and we thought that we need to do two
things before we open up the doors.  And they're sticking me with
getting the ball rolling.   :-p

First - have a press release / announcement about CivicAccess.

Second - Have an introductory page to the wiki and a "guidlines" /
ettiquette page.

We're going to have a go at those things over the next week.  Please
jump in if you have advice or questions.  We'll do the work on the
Wiki and discuss it here.  I'll write back shortly with some bullet
points and we'll go from there.

Once we're finished with that we will ask each of you if you want to
be listed as official co-founders.  No pressure - you're welcome to be
a part of civicaccess without listing yourself as a co-founder (we
understand that sometimes other considerations come into play).

If i'm missing anything - please let me know.
