event on eco footprint in Montreal

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event on eco footprint in Montreal

Michael Lenczner
March 14
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Ecological Footprinting: assessing and understanding our impacts
Blueprints for Change Sustainability Festival
Moderators: Andrea Rideout| Alea Morren
14 mars
17h30 à 19h30
Empreinte écologique: reconnaître et comprendre nos impacts
Festival: Perspectives pour le changement
Modératrices: Andrea Rideout| Alea Morren
Café: Java U - Mezzanine
Université Concordia, 1455 de Maisonneuve O.

Maybe some people here would be interested in this event. I can
imagine some datadriven projects would interest these people.

This is a University of the Streets event.  http://www.univcafe.org