I like this one and it scares me?
For example where does the data come from? How do i know it is accurate? What about privacy for a criminal that has done his or her time but he/she makes it to one of these lists? What if some ex husband/lover/wife is gilted and reports his/her ex as having committed a crime? Or what if a sexual assault occured on a daughter or son and your address gets reported in one of these - you want the crime reported but do you want the whole hood to know you kid has been assaulted?
I do not have answers to these and wonder how the stories are triangulated for accuracy and truth? Indie Media tries to get 2 or 3 people to validate stories, does this system have something like that?
For instance there were incidences where some neighbourhoods had false crime ratings to bring the property values down and what about privacy if you have
Tracey P. Lauriault
Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Carleton University
Ottawa (ON) K1S 5B6 Canada
[hidden email]
On Wed Jun 6 13:31 , Hugh McGuire sent:
from the about:
"CitizenCrimeWatch.org is a proof of concept Web site. The goal is to
create an open source crime mapping, reporting, and alert system for
the community, so that citizens might have a greater awareness about
the safety of their neighborhoods. Any neighborhood organization
which wishes to use this system may host it on their own Web site, or
on a Web site hosted for them."
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