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cdn references on open data, liscensing, etc.

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cdn references on open data, liscensing, etc.

Jennifer Bell
Hi there,

I'm working on adding links and more functionality (better loading time) to our new site: http://opendatalinks.ca

before announcing it.  In particular, I'm trying to beef up the Canadian part of the reference section here:

Which is pretty thin.  If you can think of any good links, please tweet them on #opendatalinks, or email me.

The goal of the site is to provide access to news and references on open government data in Canada.  The intention is to be slightly easier to maintain than a wiki, and slightly easier to access than delicious.  Behind the scenes, the app pulls in links off of twitter and delicious.  

It's an experiment.

Jennifer Bell

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Re: cdn references on open data, liscensing, etc.

Jennifer Bell
Whoops, sent this before checking cross-browser compatability.  If you're using Internet Explorer, it will look pretty confusing.


--- On Fri, 1/29/10, Jennifer Bell <[hidden email]> wrote:

> From: Jennifer Bell <[hidden email]>
> Subject: [CivicAccess-discuss] cdn references on open data, liscensing, etc.
> To: [hidden email]
> Received: Friday, January 29, 2010, 7:28 PM
> Hi there,
> I'm working on adding links and more functionality (better
> loading time) to our new site: http://opendatalinks.ca
> before announcing it.  In particular, I'm trying to
> beef up the Canadian part of the reference section here:
> http://opendatalinks.com/links/references/
> Which is pretty thin.  If you can think of any good
> links, please tweet them on #opendatalinks, or email me.
> The goal of the site is to provide access to news and
> references on open government data in Canada.  The
> intention is to be slightly easier to maintain than a wiki,
> and slightly easier to access than delicious.  Behind
> the scenes, the app pulls in links off of twitter and
> delicious. 
> It's an experiment.
> Jennifer Bell
> http://visiblegovernment.ca
> __________________________________________________________________
> The new Internet Explorer® 8 - Faster, safer,
> easier.  Optimized for Yahoo!  Get it Now for
> Free! at http://downloads.yahoo.com/ca/internetexplorer/
> _______________________________________________
> CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
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