Whistleblower Protection - discussion 12:00 pm July 17th

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Whistleblower Protection - discussion 12:00 pm July 17th

Claire Woodside

Hi all,


In my new role as board member with TI-Canada I would like to invite you to attend a discussion on whistleblowing with professor AJ Brown from Griffiths University, Australia. Professor Brown is a leading expert on whistleblowing legislation and is excited to share his knowledge of what works and what doesn’t with Canadians. This event will take place on July 17th from 12:00pm-2:00pm at the Courtyard Restaurant (everyone is responsible for paying for their own lunch). Please feel free to pass along this invitation to anyone or any lists that you think might find this talk interesting. I believe this discussion will be a great opportunity to engage in a productive dialogue and to collective discuss what needs to be done in the Canadian context to better protect whistleblowers. The full event invite is below and I am attaching A.J.’s bio.


Please RSVP via eventbrite or contact me directly for further questions: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/whistleblowing-creating-legislation-that-works-tickets-12067788079


Have a great weekend,




Claire Woodside


Director/Directrice | Publish What You Pay-Canada/Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez-Canada

Unit 600-331 Cooper st. | Ottawa ON K2P 0G5

1-613-237-6768 ext.7 (o) | 1-613-794-3536 (m) | Skype: HelenClaire04

[hidden email] | www.pwyp.ca | @PwypCanada




Transparency International Canada is pleased to invite you to an upcoming presentation by A.J.Brown of Australia on Whistleblowing Legislation. This talk will be held on July 17th at the Courtyard Restaurant in the Byward Market over lunch from 12:00 to 2:00pm. We hope you or someone else within your organization is available to attend, as it will be a great opportunity to provide an opportunity to hear a range of perspectives on the important topic of whistleblowing.

Professor A.J. Brown of Griffiths University is one of the leading researchers in the field of whistleblower protection.  He has been the driving force behind some of the most comprehensive research ever conducted in this field. This work has served to clarify what works and what does not in whistleblowing legislation, and has influenced legislative initiatives in Australia and elsewhere.

Professor Brown is also a director of Transparency International Australia and has played a leading role in international projects including a recent review of whistleblowing legislation across the G20 countries, in support of Australia’s 2014 G20 presidency. 

TI-Canada is excited to host this discussion, which will not only create a platform for Professor Brown to share his information and experience with interested parties in Canada, but will also serve as a forum for a dialogue on whistleblower protection.

Please note that participants will choose and be responsible for paying for their own lunch.



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Prof A J Brown - Bio (int).doc (77K) Download Attachment