Wed. OGP Consultation call

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Wed. OGP Consultation call

Tracey P. Lauriault
Great call today!

Detailed notes to follow, here are action items, links, and people on the call.

Call in # for tomorrow:
  • Dial in # <a href="tel:1-877-727-8553" value="+18777278553">1-877-727-8553
  • Participant Code 108111962
Action items:

- Richard will help develop some position ideas from developers - what open access needs are for developers - Standards, will communicate with James McKinney @ Open North and Sara Mayo and others, he will also provide backgrounded on Citizen Bridge
- Mark  - will help develop a position on FOI, point to Consultation Response of Info Commissioner & endorse, provide a list of countries with the best practices & a some notes as to why they are considered as such, Provide a list of the kind of 'data' related to FOI & also, classes of transparency data & practical issues that can be achieved
- Heather - Will inform on Open Access initiatives in Canada & prepare a small backgrounder, w/emphasis on gov docs & their stable access as well, libraries as intermediaries
- Ashley - Searchability & will share the docs & best practices from the City of Edmonton on Open Gov.
- Jury - Provide ideas for collaboration & the building of a shared infrastructure, Collaborative tool
- Sara - Need for open analytical tools such as that can do what Beyond2020 does, standards
- Ted - Would like to translate some of the work they do in Halton into useful apps - Can you provide examples ted
- Michael - Shared notes offline, Tracey will post
- Tracey & Harvey - Prepare notes & post with links to docs, also once calls are done, will synthesize what we have heard and post and solicit more comments

Requested Links:

a) OGP list of civil society groups attending -
b) CCSD - OGP Page where note & Info will be posted -

Wed. Civil Society Call Participants:

Richard Pietro, Citizen Bridge
Mark Weiler, FOI expert
Sara Mayo, Social Planning & Research Council of Hamilton, GIS Specialist & Researcher
Ted Hildebrandt, Community Development Halton, GIS Specialist & Researcher
Heather Morrison, BC Library Association & Open Access advocate
Jury Konga, Open Data and Open Government Consultant
Leigh Golden, Region of Waterloo
Michael Gurnstein, CRACIN, Critical research in access in overseas development context
Ashley Casovan, Open Government City of Edmonton
Harvey Low, CDP & OGP Civil Society Rep
Tracey Lauriault, CivicAccess & Datalibre

Individual calls made, calls received & positions received:
Treasury Board of Canada, Stephen Walker
DFAIT, Niall Cronin
David Eaves, Independent open data entrepreneur
Mark Weiler
Michael Gurnstein
Democracy Watch, letter received

Tracey P. Lauriault
"Every epoch dreams the one that follows it's the dream form of the future, not its reality" it is the "wish image of the collective".
Walter Benjamin, between 1927-1940, (