We're hiring: help open Montréal's data

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We're hiring: help open Montréal's data

Stéphane Guidoin
Hi there,

You might have seen it on social media but I wanted to reach out to
Civic access directly: The smart and digital bureau of the city of
Montréal is hiring an open data analyst currently. This new hire would
join the existing team, Patrick Lozeau and myself, to work with
departments to open their data.

We're looking for a kind of hybrid (and probably rare) profile, mixing
data understanding and task management. For the data understanding, the
role will be to work with data stewards and IT people to define data
attribute to extract and validate the quality of the data. On the task
management side: given the targets we have, we expect that person will
constantly have 20-30 mini-projects ongoing (each dataset to open is a
mini-project, that can last some months); so it will need a good
organisation to do the follow up.

We're open to different level of experience, from senior to junior (2
years of experience)

The official things (and if you want to postulate):

The process is open until Apr 15th; please to don't hesitate to share in
your networks!

Stéphane Guidoin
Open data lead
Smart & digital city bureau
Ville de Montréal
CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: We're hiring: help open Montréal's data

Ola Ola
Hi Stephane,

Good to read from you on the possibility of hiring a data analyst. 

Please, have attached my resume for your kind attention. Kindly let me know if I can fit into your project team.



On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 3:01 PM, Stéphane Guidoin <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi there,

You might have seen it on social media but I wanted to reach out to Civic access directly: The smart and digital bureau of the city of Montréal is hiring an open data analyst currently. This new hire would join the existing team, Patrick Lozeau and myself, to work with departments to open their data.

We're looking for a kind of hybrid (and probably rare) profile, mixing data understanding and task management. For the data understanding, the role will be to work with data stewards and IT people to define data attribute to extract and validate the quality of the data. On the task management side: given the targets we have, we expect that person will constantly have 20-30 mini-projects ongoing (each dataset to open is a mini-project, that can last some months); so it will need a good organisation to do the follow up.

We're open to different level of experience, from senior to junior (2 years of experience)

The official things (and if you want to postulate): https://simenligne.ville.montreal.qc.ca/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?OAFunc=IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY&p_svid=120626&p_spid=3053076

The process is open until Apr 15th; please to don't hesitate to share in your networks!

Stéphane Guidoin
Open data lead
Smart & digital city bureau
Ville de Montréal
CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
[hidden email]

Olaleye, A.O, PhD
Business,Environmental & Data Analyst 
236-1406 ALBION Road,
Cell: +1 (647) 458-1967

CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
[hidden email]

Olaleye Ola_Resume, 28_2016.doc (127K) Download Attachment