VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: #DecodeDarfur: Digital volunteers to expose Darfur human rights violations in ‘revolutionary’ crowdsourcing project

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VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: #DecodeDarfur: Digital volunteers to expose Darfur human rights violations in ‘revolutionary’ crowdsourcing project

Tracey P. Lauriault

Amnesty International is building a network of digital volunteers to help uncover human rights violations and abuses in the conflict-ravaged Sudanese region of Darfur as part of a revolutionary crowdsourcing project launched today. Within hours, some 4500 digital volunteers were already on the job spending a combined 525 hours analysing already over 33,000 square kilometres of satellite imagery
The Decode Darfur interactive platform will enable Amnesty International supporters to analyse thousands of square kilometres of satellite imagery in remote parts of Darfur where bombings and chemical weapons attacks are suspected to have taken place – just by using their phone, tablet or laptop.

Tracey P. Lauriault
Assistant Professor 
Critical Media Studies and Big Data
Communication Studies
School of Journalism and Communication
Suite 4110, River Building
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa (ON) K1S 5B6
1-613-520-2600 x7443
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Skype: Tracey.P.Lauriault

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