Using the mailing list ? :)

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Using the mailing list ? :)

Stephane Guidoin
What about using the mailing list ? That's the reason we (hmmm Patrick)
set it up, no ? ;) Now everybody subscribed, so it's ok !

Just to say that I made some little changes on the wiki, mostly bug
corrections. Let me know if you find some strange behaviours. There's
still a problem with the language : if you have a browser that's
configured in French, for example, the default page will be
"PageD'Accueil" (Moinmoin is a very intelligent guy that recognize your
language ;). I know that few of you bother about that but if once you
use a french-configured browser, don't be surprised if you don't find
anything. I'll try to change this during the week end.

Patrick, you told about an interesting guy in a recent email (Joe
Murray), don't you want to add it in the list of person to be contacted
to be a founder ?

I have two other questions :

- How could we discuss about the people we could invite ? We have a
list, we we should agree about it ! I think we may add some more detail
concerning the people list to see what they could provide.

- What to do with politic engagement ? To my mind, it wouldn't be a good
thing to be associated with a political party (in fact it's obvious),
but it's also sure that most people that will join us may be involved in
political affairs in a way or in another (for example, I'm member of a
municipal party). I think that we should try to bring people from
different political colors and avoid those that are obviously
proselitists. Tell me if you see anything else.
