Update on server downtime yesterday. Need you to review your account.

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Update on server downtime yesterday. Need you to review your account.

Phillip Smith

Hi there & apologies for the group e-mail,

As many of you noticed yesterday our lovely little home on the  
InterWeb -- TheCommunity.ca -- was offline. Unfortunately, what I  
thought was a minor disk failure turned into a major problem that  
required some new hardware (a mainboard for the techies among us) and  
a complete re-built of the server. Thankfully the server is back  
online now and most accounts have been restored from yesterday's  
backups. So, most of your Web sites and e-mail accounts should be  
back to normal as of early this morning.

However, I need you to take 15 minutes today to thoroughly review  
your Web site(s) to ensure that it's working as you'd expect. I've  
reviewed each account manually, but I'm not intimately familiar with  
each of your sites -- so it would be helpful if you could take a look  
for anything that might still require attention.

If you are using TheCommunity.ca for an DNS-related functions --  
e.g., pointing traffic from our server to another one -- you may  
notice a bit of a lag as DNS comes back online and those settings are  
restored. I've noticed that one or two A-records were re-set, so  
those may take up to 24 hours to reflect any new settings from today.  
**If you are a client that this impacts, please send me a quick note  
today with your most recent IP-related information, so I can ensure  
that we're totally up-to-date on this end.**

I apologies for the inconvenience, and will continue to be available  
today for any questions or to work on any account-related issues that  
pop up.



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Phillip Smith,
Simplifier of Technology
Community Bandwidth

(416) 921-4608  direct
(647) 290-4608  mobile
im/skype: phillipadsmith

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