Update on Represent, the database of Canadian elected officials and electoral districts

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Update on Represent, the database of Canadian elected officials and electoral districts

James McKinney-2
As there was interest from this list for our post in January announcing Represent (http://represent.opennorth.ca/), I thought I'd share this update. 

Since launch, we've added the ward boundaries for 6 new cities (bringing the total to 16), the postal code concordances for Newfoundland and Labrador, and the representatives for 10 cities. This now makes us the most comprehensive database of Canadian elected officials on the open web! To celebrate, we've redesigned the home page and added more examples and detail to the API documentation. Check it out: http://represent.opennorth.ca/

If you'd like to increase our coverage of municipal representatives, let me know and I'll send you info on how you can help. If you're a programmer, you can easily add a municipality in an afternoon. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the dozen volunteers (some of whom are on this list) who've already contributed open-source code to the project!

If you'd like to keep tabs on the project's progress, you can join our Google group http://groups.google.com/group/represent-canada or follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/opennorth


James McKinney
Open North
Twitter: @opennorth