On 12-11-21 03:12 AM, Glen Newton wrote:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/113633834/Republican-Study-Committee-Intellectual-Property-Brief It is well worth reading, especially as a document authored by those
on the right of the political spectrum that is consistent with their own
stated ideology. I've found the ramblings of the pseudo-right-wing in
Canada on this issue to be entirely inconsistent, claiming that this
government granted monopoly is somehow a form of "property" that must be
thought about and enforced as if it were "property".
Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <
Please help us tell the Canadian Parliament to protect our property
rights as owners of Information Technology. Sign the petition!
http://l.c11.ca/ict "The government, lobbied by legacy copyright holders and hardware
manufacturers, can pry my camcorder, computer, home theatre, or
portable media player from my cold dead hands!"