UK to make academic research available free on the net

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UK to make academic research available free on the net

Glen Newton

"Their representative body said that the UK's higher education sector
currently spent about £200m a year accessing UK-based and
international research published in journals and databases"

This number suggests that in Canada - with ~ 1/2 the UK population -
higher education spends ~CA$200m
I know that when I left CISTI the cost of the digitital subscriptions
to journals and databases for the NRC was in the multi-millions...



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Re: UK to make academic research available free on the net

David Eaves
+1 Nice find Glen.

On 12-05-02 3:37 PM, Glen Newton wrote:

> "Their representative body said that the UK's higher education sector
> currently spent about £200m a year accessing UK-based and
> international research published in journals and databases"
> This number suggests that in Canada - with ~ 1/2 the UK population -
> higher education spends ~CA$200m
> I know that when I left CISTI the cost of the digitital subscriptions
> to journals and databases for the NRC was in the multi-millions...
> -Glen