For some this is dated (2009), but really, open data as we now know it
is pretty new, even though access to geodata in Canada has been around
since the 1970s and more popularly so at the turn of 21st century.
This Power to Information report did mark a pivot point and it is good
sometimes to go back to these now 'classics'.
And it is nice to see that the UK actually has an archive which makes
national documents readily accessible, go figure ay!
I was reminded of this report again in the context of access to public
sector information (PSI) as it is called in the EU and the development
of crown commons licensing as a work around to crown copyright, since
the chance of abolishing crown copyright is pretty slim even though
some great new copyright wins
( have just happened
for us in Canada.
The paper I am reading is -
>From "Radical Extremism" to "Balanced Copyright" : Canadian Copyright
and the Digital Agenda
Chapter Twenty
Enabling Access and Reuse of Public Sector Information in Canada:
Crown Commons Licenses, Copyright, and Public Sector Information
Elizabeth F. Judge
Tracey P. Lauriault