Transit in Halifax

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Transit in Halifax

Daniel Haran

Just as Montreal, Google is getting first mover advantage in a market
where citizens have been refused the same data.

A data subsidy to a foreign corporation, to ensure local startups
can't compete. Truly mind-boggling.



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Open, public debate about official population statistics in BC

The Munroes
Hello All,

I am sending this email to inform people about how policies can be, and are,
made based on unreliable official population numbers.

Please be aware that the BC Ministry of Labour and Citizen's Services, BC
Stats, Population Section uses non-statistical methods to "create"
population estimates and forecasts.  

Also, the population numbers can be, and are, sent to outside interest
groups and changed without informing the public (or the population

Private and public facilities are opened and closed based on these
unreliable numbers.

Also, did you know that the changes in telephone landline hook-ups are used
to estimate population change? This variable was not properly tested, and
the public was not informed of its use. I was told that telus data was being
purchased for the population estimates, because it "looks good" to have two
indicators instead of one. Hydro hookups are also used. These indicators are
supposed to be independent of each other.

Did you know that BC Stats purposefully selects which municipalities to
include in it's models and kicks out municipalities that don't fit

Did you know that BC Stats purposefully gave out unreliable information
about population to BC Hydro when BC Hydro was planning generation

Did you know that the population estimates are created by splitting BC's
municipalities into two groups, based on a flawed process.

Did you know that the population projections (forecast) can be and are
changed outside of the models, outside of BC Stats, and outside of the
Ministry without informing the public. In one "projection" the numbers were
changed to show a downturn in population change when in fact there was an
increase, during a time when schools were being closed. Please be aware that
while the youth population was declining in many areas throughout BC, the
real numbers showed less of a decline.

Did you know that analysts are told to take people out of high growth areas
like Kelowna and Comox/Courtenay and put into the GVRD outside of the
statistical methods and models.

Did you know that BC Stats uses perks and intimidation to coerce analysts
into changing numbers outside of the models.

Ask your prospective representatives about how the population numbers are

Ask how reliable the numbers are? Ask what amount of error there is in their
numbers. Statistics Canada provides margins of error. Be careful to not let
BC Stats pretend that it works closely

Ask if the real methods and models will be made public.

Ask if independent observers can verify the methods and models.

Reliable information is the foundation upon which sound decisions can be
made.  Numbers should not be changed without informing people. People should
be able to verify the real methods, models, and results.

For more information, please see..

I have offered, to CBC, to participate in an open and public debate with the
Director of BC Stats about the methods and models used to create and change
official population statistics. Call and ask CBC to host a debate about
this. BC Stats should be renamed BC Perspectives.

Please pass this on, and raise these issues, so that people can be involved
in improving the official population statistics and improve the information
upon which we base our decisions.

