Thurs. OGP - Consultation Call #2

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Thurs. OGP - Consultation Call #2

Tracey P. Lauriault
Another great call today!

Detailed notes to follow, here are action items, links, and people on the call.  I

If you are not on the list, please register, tic on the digest box.  There are many discussion threads and do not hesitate to contribute.

Action items:

FYI - these can be links, slides with notes & images, text, letters, etc. Please ensure we have your full coordinates!  & Let me know if I forgot anything.

- Vincent -
Will share Access 101 notes, letters and submissions and relevant URLs on the right to access
- Catherine -
Will point to web access initiatives, her work on the mapping project, and standards. 
- Stéphane - The benefits of gov funding in open data projects and of standards and building in interoperability, also notes on the mapping accessible w/catherine
- James - Can you prepare some slides on your projects & what open north is?  Be sure to have your contact info&URL& logo etc. on each slide.  Ideas on needs for NGOs in this space, and cross disciplinary collaboration in Open Data and Open Gov.
- Richard - started standards group & will share results
- Andrew, Nathalie & Co. York Region - share your ideas on cross municipal collaboration and the sharing of best practices, recommendations and needs to move forward.  Please can you include something about MISA and inter-ontario ad hoc work you are doing.
- Oriana - Share some ideas of open gov & open data with an info-management and archival lens?  And best practices, tools and policy documents including your appraisal benchmark process re-privacy & security. IPC and access by design principles and related resources.
- Kathryn - What would you as a member of the association or the association like to have as a position? Please send your census doc or any other data related submissions or letters.
- Tara - Would the CAG have a position or would any sub groups of the CAG have a submission or ideas to share in this process.  Please share the census submission.
- Sheila & Pam - Can you share your position on re-seeing people with disabilities in the numbers, can you provide some notes on the datasets that are there and a few notes on their shortcomings and what it means to not be counted.  ALso, ideas on how to support the democratic engagement in public policy deliberations for people with disabilities.
- Diane Woodgreen - Toronto Wellbeing, what does it mean to have info accessible in that way to community groups?
- Harvey & Tracey - are preparing notes
- Tracey will connect Pam, Sheila & Catherine together & will share back the IPC principles to you for evaluatio


A) CCSD - OGP Page where note & Info will be posted -
b) OGP list of civil society groups attending -

Thus. Civil Society Call Participants (Let me know if I missed anyone & Please email me your full coordinates):

Nathalie Hui, York Region, CPD, FCM & Open Data Pilot
Tara Vinodrai, Canadian Association of Geographers
Sheila Subramanian, CMHA Ontario
Susan Chin Snelgrove, York Region
-Pam, CMHA Ontario (email?)
Kathryn Wilkins, Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Richard Pietro, Citizen Bridge
James McKinney, Open North
Valentyn Kliuchnyk, York Region
Andrew Satterthwaite, York Region Open Data Pilot
Catherine Roy, Independent, Disability Access to Web and Technology
Vincent Gogolek, BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association
David Eaves, Independent Open Data and Open Government Advocate
Oriana Sharp, Manager, Information Management and Archives , Archives of Region of Waterloo, Region of Waterloo Open Data
Diane Dyson, Woodgreen
Stephane Guidon, ZoneCone
Harvey Low, CDP
Tracey Lauriault,

Individual calls made, calls received & positions received:
Treasury Board of Canada, Stephen Walker
DFAIT, Niall Cronin
David Eaves, Independent open data entrepreneur
Mark Weiler
Michael Gurnstein
Democracy Watch, letter received

Tracey P. Lauriault
"Every epoch dreams the one that follows it's the dream form of the future, not its reality" it is the "wish image of the collective".
Walter Benjamin, between 1927-1940, (