Symposium on Global Scientific Data Infrastructure

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Symposium on Global Scientific Data Infrastructure

Tracey P. Lauriault

The symposium on Global Scientific Data Infrastructure will be held 3:00 - 5:45 p.m. on 29 August 2012 at the Lecture Room of the National Academy of Sciences, at 2101 Constitution Avenue NWWashingtonDC. The program is organized by the Board on Research Data and Information and sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Background information about the symposium is available on the Board's website at: The event is open to the public, with advance registration. If you are unable to attend this meeting in person, you can participate in a real-time audio-only webcast of the proceedings, or listen to an archived version subsequently on the Board's website. 
On the day of the event, a link will be posted on the National Academies website ( Webcast listeners will be able to listen either through Windows Media Player or through RealPlayer. Webcast listeners are requested to email their questions (stating their names and institutional affiliation) to Cheryl Levey, at[hidden email]. Due to time restrictions, not all of the submitted questions or comments may be responded to at the symposium. 
Any questions regarding this event or the audiocasting instructions may be directed to Paul Uhlir, the Board Director, at [hidden email], or to Cheryl Levey at[hidden email]. 

Tracey P. Lauriault
Post Doctoral Fellow
Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre