I am doing some research on Canada's participation in Statistical
Societies like the American Statistical Society, and as I was perusing
the papers of the ASA's presidents I found the following paper: by the
2005 president Fritz Scheuren
While the paper is not written in a style I particularly like, it does
demonstrate interesting ways where data, data collection methodologies
and statisticians go to work.
Other papers are available here -
http://asapresidentialpapers.info/4_sub1a.htmlI am also reminded of the great work done by the AAAS Scientific
Responsibility, Human Rights and Law Program, in particular areas
where geographers, remote sensing and geomatics go to work -
Geospatial Technologies and Human Rights, see the case studies -
Tracey P. Lauriault
"Every epoch dreams the one that follows it's the dream form of the
future, not its reality" it is the "wish image of the collective".
Walter Benjamin, between 1927-1940,