Society, technology and philosophy

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Society, technology and philosophy

Tracey P. Lauriault
Andew Feenberg is one of the Greats!  Here is a link to some of his talks and I look forward to just sitting down to relax and read some of his books.
His work and papers I think foregrounds many of the issues we are encoutering with open data, open access, open government, technological transitions and current debates on keeping the Internet Free (anti - act & soap & c-30). 
Tracey P. Lauriault
"Every epoch dreams the one that follows it's the dream form of the future, not its reality" it is the "wish image of the collective".
Walter Benjamin, between 1927-1940, (
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Re: Society, technology and philosophy

Harvey Low
FYI - just had a nice ½ hr chat with Heather Scoffield on the Census. 
Harvey Low, MCIP, RPP
Manager, Social Research & Analysis Unit,
Toronto Social Development Finance & Administration Division,
City Hall, 14th Floor E.,
100 Queen Street West.,
Toronto, Ontario,  M5H-2N2
PH: 416-392-8660
FX: 416-392-4976
EM: [hidden email]

>>> "Tracey P. Lauriault" <[hidden email]> 2/25/2012 8:20 pm >>>
Andew Feenberg is one of the Greats! Here is a link to some of his talks and I look forward to just sitting down to relax and read some of his books.
His work and papers I think foregrounds many of the issues we are encoutering with open data, open access, open government, technological transitions and current debates on keeping the Internet Free (anti - act & soap & c-30).
Tracey P. Lauriault

"Every epoch dreams the one that follows it's the dream form of the future, not its reality" it is the "wish image of the collective".

Walter Benjamin, between 1927-1940, (
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Re: Society, technology and philosophy

Tracey P. Lauriault
awesomeness!  I suggested she do an OGP story as the time gets closer.

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Harvey Low <[hidden email]> wrote:
FYI - just had a nice ½ hr chat with Heather Scoffield on the Census. 
Harvey Low, MCIP, RPP
Manager, Social Research & Analysis Unit,
Toronto Social Development Finance & Administration Division,
City Hall, 14th Floor E.,
100 Queen Street West.,
Toronto, Ontario,  M5H-2N2
PH: <a href="tel:416-392-8660" target="_blank" value="+14163928660">416-392-8660
FX: <a href="tel:416-392-4976" target="_blank" value="+14163924976">416-392-4976
EM: [hidden email]

>>> "Tracey P. Lauriault" <[hidden email]> 2/25/2012 8:20 pm >>>
Andew Feenberg is one of the Greats! Here is a link to some of his talks and I look forward to just sitting down to relax and read some of his books.
His work and papers I think foregrounds many of the issues we are encoutering with open data, open access, open government, technological transitions and current debates on keeping the Internet Free (anti - act & soap & c-30).
Tracey P. Lauriault
<a href="tel:613-234-2805" target="_blank" value="+16132342805">613-234-2805

"Every epoch dreams the one that follows it's the dream form of the future, not its reality" it is the "wish image of the collective".

Walter Benjamin, between 1927-1940, (

CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
[hidden email]

Tracey P. Lauriault
"Every epoch dreams the one that follows it's the dream form of the future, not its reality" it is the "wish image of the collective".
Walter Benjamin, between 1927-1940, (