Seeking Endorsements - Open Government Partnership Meetings in Brazil

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Seeking Endorsements - Open Government Partnership Meetings in Brazil

Tracey P. Lauriault

The Community Data Partnership is seeking endorsements to its request
to be a represenative for Canada at the Open Government Partnership in
Brazil (

If you are interested please drop me a line and I can share with you
the draft Letter.  Some important civil society organizations have
already endorsed the application and some from open data advocates an
others would also be welcome.

The Deadline is fast approaching (Feb. 6).


Tracey P. Lauriault

"Every epoch dreams the one that follows it's the dream form of the
future, not its reality" it is the "wish image of the collective".

Walter Benjamin, between 1927-1940,

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Re: Seeking Endorsements - Open Government Partnership Meetings in Brazil

David Eaves
Hi everyone, not to make this awkward, but I'll be seeking endorsements as well. Will be putting my application together shortly, will be happy to share with anyone.

Dave Eaves

Sent from my iPhone

On 2012-02-01, at 11:44 AM, "Tracey P. Lauriault" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> All;
> The Community Data Partnership is seeking endorsements to its request
> to be a represenative for Canada at the Open Government Partnership in
> Brazil (
> If you are interested please drop me a line and I can share with you
> the draft Letter.  Some important civil society organizations have
> already endorsed the application and some from open data advocates an
> others would also be welcome.
> The Deadline is fast approaching (Feb. 6).
> Cheers
> Tracey
> --
> Tracey P. Lauriault
> 613-234-2805
> "Every epoch dreams the one that follows it's the dream form of the
> future, not its reality" it is the "wish image of the collective".
> Walter Benjamin, between 1927-1940,
> (
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