Re: INSPIRE Directive has been published in the Official Journal

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Re: INSPIRE Directive has been published in the Official Journal

Tracey P. Lauriault-2
This is the EU position on geodata.  I have not read it yet and expect
to hear opinions about it from different groups. There was much
controversy on access and cost recovery.  What is interesting however,
is they actually have a directive.  The US also uses directives on
access to data, the creation of spatial data infrastructures, data
quality etc.  which mandates US federal data producing agencies and
managing agencies to do certain things.  I do not think we have such a
process in Canada but i could be mistaken. At somepoint i would really
like to spend some time to figure out the best way to inform the
Canadian gov on these issues and to get some strong support in something
like a directive canadian style.  Does anyone know what the best way to
do this is in Canada?

Enjoy the read.

> Dear colleagues,
> Apologies for cross posting.
> The INSPIRE Directive was published in the Official Journal,
> yesterday, the 25th April 2007
> This means that the INSPIRE directive will enter into force on the
> 15th May 2007.
> Full text of the directive (EN)
> <>
> The directive is available in the official languages in the Official
> Journal of the European Union
> <>
> Best regards,
> Karen Fullerton

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RE : Re: INSPIRE vs Canada

Nicolas Gignac

Here is a document about the geodata infrastructure at
the federal level in Canada:

Voici un document sur l'infrastructure géospatiale au
niveau fédéral au Canada:

J'espère que ça aidera.


--- "Tracey P. Lauriault" <[hidden email]> a écrit

> This is the EU position on geodata.  I have not read
> it yet and expect
> to hear opinions about it from different groups.
> There was much
> controversy on access and cost recovery.  What is
> interesting however,
> is they actually have a directive.  The US also uses
> directives on
> access to data, the creation of spatial data
> infrastructures, data
> quality etc.  which mandates US federal data
> producing agencies and
> managing agencies to do certain things.  I do not
> think we have such a
> process in Canada but i could be mistaken. At
> somepoint i would really
> like to spend some time to figure out the best way
> to inform the
> Canadian gov on these issues and to get some strong
> support in something
> like a directive canadian style.  Does anyone know
> what the best way to
> do this is in Canada?
> Enjoy the read.
> t
> > Dear colleagues,
> >
> > Apologies for cross posting.
> >
> > The INSPIRE Directive was published in the
> Official Journal,
> > yesterday, the 25th April 2007
> >
> > This means that the INSPIRE directive will enter
> into force on the
> > 15th May 2007.
> >
> > Full text of the directive (EN)
> >
> >
> > The directive is available in the official
> languages in the Official
> > Journal of the European Union
> >

> >
> > Best regards,
> > Karen Fullerton
> > 
> _______________________________________________
> CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
> [hidden email]

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Re: RE : Re: INSPIRE vs Canada

Tracey P. Lauriault-2
Thanks Nicolas!

This is a great document.

My question is also about how does the government of Canada pass a
resolution to create a CGDI or how does the treasury board approve the
funding for a CGDI and how do we get a high level directive or the
equivalent on access to data in Canada.

At the moment CGDI has to renegotiate funding every 5 years from
treasury board, and because it is part of a government department -
Natural Resources Canada, it can easily disappear when a new government
comes in or when departments re-organize, and if you have been at all
part of the public service you will know this happens at a minimum every
4 years (elections), or when finance ministers have new priorities, or
when a new DG comes in.  In other words they are unstable programs.  It
seems that the directives system ensures from a high level that that
function and process is to remain as part of the modis operantis of the
government bureaucracy as a whole.  In Canada we do not have directives,
so what is the way.

I do not understand the machinery of government enough to know what
would be the best and most strategic place to enshrine access to public
data and information, access to the methods used to make calculations
upon which decisions are made, all without fees and restrictive
licensing regimes.  I luv what GeoConnections particularly Geobase,
Atlas of Canada and Geogratis have done with national scale geo public
data.  These are but the tip of the iceberg, we do not just want the
shells and some lovely longitudinal data, we want the data that fill the
shells at all scales, and how do we go about getting all the federal
departments, provinces and municipalities mandated to do so.

The OMB in the US for example has directives, and i was very amazed to
see how access to data appears in many federally funded agencies who
receive funding from the National Science Foundation or the Feds.  I
came across a data quality OMB directive and found it quoted and
referred to in the policies of a number of data portals.  It is a
powerful way to direct agencies to do things and a way a to promote a
national vision in certain areas.

I would luv to know what the Canadian equivalent is and work on it.

anyone know or know someone who knows?


Nicolas Gignac wrote:

> Tracey,
> Here is a document about the geodata infrastructure at
> the federal level in Canada:
> Voici un document sur l'infrastructure géospatiale au
> niveau fédéral au Canada:
> J'espère que ça aidera.
> Nicolas
> --- "Tracey P. Lauriault" <[hidden email]> a écrit
> :
>> This is the EU position on geodata.  I have not read
>> it yet and expect
>> to hear opinions about it from different groups.
>> There was much
>> controversy on access and cost recovery.  What is
>> interesting however,
>> is they actually have a directive.  The US also uses
>> directives on
>> access to data, the creation of spatial data
>> infrastructures, data
>> quality etc.  which mandates US federal data
>> producing agencies and
>> managing agencies to do certain things.  I do not
>> think we have such a
>> process in Canada but i could be mistaken. At
>> somepoint i would really
>> like to spend some time to figure out the best way
>> to inform the
>> Canadian gov on these issues and to get some strong
>> support in something
>> like a directive canadian style.  Does anyone know
>> what the best way to
>> do this is in Canada?
>> Enjoy the read.
>> t
>>> Dear colleagues,
>>> Apologies for cross posting.
>>> The INSPIRE Directive was published in the
>> Official Journal,
>>> yesterday, the 25th April 2007
>>> This means that the INSPIRE directive will enter
>> into force on the
>>> 15th May 2007.
>>> Full text of the directive (EN)
> <>
>>> The directive is available in the official
>> languages in the Official
>>> Journal of the European Union
> <>
>>> Best regards,
>>> Karen Fullerton
>> _______________________________________________
>> CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
>> [hidden email]
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