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Re: Decision on Topographic Maps

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Re: Decision on Topographic Maps

Eric Lilius
2 posts
Here's a little more on this good news.

OCTOBER 12, 2006 - 18:53 ET

Industry Canada: Minister Bernier Issues Statement on the Status of the
Community Access Program
Here's a little more on this good news.

Thanks to the efforts of some map librarians, geographers, and
cartographers, it seems
as if we have helped to reverse a decision put in place in 2001 and set
to be carried out
in 2007. We "hope" paper maps will continue to be printed and
distributed via the
Canada Map Office - there will be a close monitoring of this to make
sure the decision
to reverse the decision (awkward thought) remains.

A couple of map librarians deserve some great praise - Heather McAdam
and Susan Mowers (Ottawa) - for it was their efforts that really moved
this along!
Librarian lobbyists!!


James C. Boxall, FRGS Director and Curator
GIS Centre and Map Collection, Killam Memorial Library
6225 University Avenue, Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 4H8 Canada
http://www.dal.ca [hidden email]
902.494.6126/6719 (o) 902.494.2062 (f)

Vice President, Canadian Cartographic Association

Vice President, Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia
On the morning of October 11, 2006 the Map Uses Advisory Committee was
contacted by Kathleen Olson, Acting Director of Communications to the
Minister of Natural Resources. Ms. Olson wanted to make key stakeholders
groups aware of Minister Lunn’s recent decision to keep the Canada Map
Office open. According to Ms. Olson, “as soon as this was brought to
Minister Lunn’s attention he recognized the need to continue this
service to stakeholders and Canadians”.

ACMLA is proud to have played a part in bringing this critical issue to
the attention of interested Canadians and to the Government of Canada.
We look forward to continuing to work with Minister Lunn and the
Ministry of Natural Resources to ensure that Canadians have access to
printed topographic maps.

Heather McAdam, Chair, Map Users Advisory Committee, ACMLA

Robin Millette wrote:
 > Good news, seems like they're backing down:
 > "Canada shreds plan to scrap paper maps"
 > http://www.cbc.ca/canada/ottawa/story/2006/10/12/map-office.html
 > On 9/29/06, Gurstein, Michael <[hidden email]> wrote:
 >> Saw this on another list...
 >> -----Original Message-----
 >> From: [hidden email]
 >> Canada soon will not be printing topographical maps.
 >> You will have to download and print them yourself
 >> (if you have a big enough printer, otherwise you are SOL - which will be
 >> the case for everyone.

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Eric Lilius
Box 27
(1563 Eagle Lake Road)
Eagle Lake, ON  K0M 1M0
CANADA W78.34.12/N45.07.09
705-754-9860 (fax)
When you eventually see through the veils to how things really are,
you will keep saying again and again,"This is certainly not like
we thought it was!"       ( Rumi)

We are very near to greatness: one step and we are safe: can we not take the leap?  (Emerson)

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Re: Decision on Topographic Maps - For the Record

Tracey P. Lauriault-2
298 posts
A beautiful Thing!

Just to keep the record straight!

*Heather McAdam*, the Geomatics Librarian
(http://www.library.carleton.ca/madgic/maps/gisweb/index.htm) at
Carleton University MADGIC (Maps and Data and Government Information
Centre - http://www.library.carleton.ca/madgic/index.html) spearheaded &
pretty much singlehandedly ran this campaign, on her dime and personal
time.  It is really important to give credit where credit is due.  It is
very rare to see this type of activism in the Map & Data Librarian
Community and dang it she did it well!

Here is the campaign website Heather Created -

And for historical folkloric fun -  Heather and I came up with the idea
while giggling at a presentation being given at GeoTec 2006 this summer!
We were taking notes, drawing pictures and well we were shusshed for
having too much fun at a serious event!  Thanks goodness for fun i say!

If anyone on the list knows of a community ISP that can host the that
would be great cuz it will be taken down soon as heather is footin' the

Eric Lilius wrote:

> Here's a little more on this good news.
> Eric
> OCTOBER 12, 2006 - 18:53 ET
> Industry Canada: Minister Bernier Issues Statement on the Status of the
> Community Access Program
> Here's a little more on this good news.
> Eric
> Thanks to the efforts of some map librarians, geographers, and
> cartographers, it seems
> as if we have helped to reverse a decision put in place in 2001 and set
> to be carried out
> in 2007. We "hope" paper maps will continue to be printed and
> distributed via the
> Canada Map Office - there will be a close monitoring of this to make
> sure the decision
> to reverse the decision (awkward thought) remains.
> A couple of map librarians deserve some great praise - Heather McAdam
> (Carleton)
> and Susan Mowers (Ottawa) - for it was their efforts that really moved
> this along!
> Librarian lobbyists!!
> cheers
> james

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Re: Decision on Topographic Maps - For the Record - Another Record

Marcel Fortin
22 posts
Yes, Heather did an amazing job and deserves all the credit.

But, speaking of keeping the record straight. I'm a little surprised by
your comment that there is little activism in the map and data librarian
community. Yes, the stereotype is that librarians are meak bookish
beings, but we are a passionate bunch and we bend over backwards to help
our community of users. Many may think that certain things just appear
miraculously in libraries, but they don't. We work hard to secure deals
with government bodies and third-party data vendors. Some deals are day
to day work contacting government bodies, but others are very important
deals for large communities.

Remember that Canadian digital census files arrived en masse in academic
libraries through the hard-work, dedication and arm twisting by a bunch
of data librarians in the late 1980's before the US census appeared in
digital format in US libraries in the 90's. Wendy Watkins of Carleton
and Laine Ruus of the U of T Libraries, to name just two of many,
deserve a great deal of praise with their work with Stats Canada over
the years. It was also the hard-work of map librarians that got those
same topo maps we've been discussing in digital format freely available
to the academic community in Canada. Grace Welch of the University of
Ottawa as well as other map librarians spent alot of time working with
NRCan on securing what seemed impossible to secure.

Lobbying and activism is a large part of what we do. Most of our deals
may not make the CBC news or the globe and mail pages like this one, but
they are just as important.


Tracey P. Lauriault wrote:

> A beautiful Thing!
> Just to keep the record straight!
> *Heather McAdam*, the Geomatics Librarian
> (http://www.library.carleton.ca/madgic/maps/gisweb/index.htm) at
> Carleton University MADGIC (Maps and Data and Government Information
> Centre - http://www.library.carleton.ca/madgic/index.html) spearheaded &
> pretty much singlehandedly ran this campaign, on her dime and personal
> time.  It is really important to give credit where credit is due.  It is
> very rare to see this type of activism in the Map & Data Librarian
> Community and dang it she did it well!
> Here is the campaign website Heather Created -
> http://www.mapsforcanadians.ca/
> And for historical folkloric fun -  Heather and I came up with the idea
> while giggling at a presentation being given at GeoTec 2006 this summer!
> We were taking notes, drawing pictures and well we were shusshed for
> having too much fun at a serious event!  Thanks goodness for fun i say!
> If anyone on the list knows of a community ISP that can host the that
> would be great cuz it will be taken down soon as heather is footin' the
> bill!
> Eric Lilius wrote:
>>Here's a little more on this good news.

Note: I am currently on research leave.
I am monitoring my email, but it may take longer than usual for me to reply.
If you require help with maps or Geographic Information Systems, please
contact [hidden email]
Marcel Fortin
GIS and Map Librarian, University of Toronto
130 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 1A5

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Re: Decision on Topographic Maps - For the Record - Another Record

Tracey P. Lauriault-2
298 posts
You are correct :)
there are different types of activism - and activist type of actions.

In this case, I was referring to the overt, cross community mobilization
& lobbying & communication type of public activism.  Marcel I promise
you that I brag about librarians and the dedicated work they do all the
time and work very hard to dispel the negatives myths and stereotypes!

You know what! It would be really great to make some of what you are
talking about more obvious though!  Would you happen to have a document
of sorts that has on a timeline associated with some of the points you
have below.  It would be great to have a page of important data and map
policy decisions overtime with association and names beside it!


marcel fortin wrote:

> Tracey,
> Yes, Heather did an amazing job and deserves all the credit.
> But, speaking of keeping the record straight. I'm a little surprised by
> your comment that there is little activism in the map and data librarian
> community. Yes, the stereotype is that librarians are meak bookish
> beings, but we are a passionate bunch and we bend over backwards to help
> our community of users. Many may think that certain things just appear
> miraculously in libraries, but they don't. We work hard to secure deals
> with government bodies and third-party data vendors. Some deals are day
> to day work contacting government bodies, but others are very important
> deals for large communities.
> Remember that Canadian digital census files arrived en masse in academic
> libraries through the hard-work, dedication and arm twisting by a bunch
> of data librarians in the late 1980's before the US census appeared in
> digital format in US libraries in the 90's. Wendy Watkins of Carleton
> and Laine Ruus of the U of T Libraries, to name just two of many,
> deserve a great deal of praise with their work with Stats Canada over
> the years. It was also the hard-work of map librarians that got those
> same topo maps we've been discussing in digital format freely available
> to the academic community in Canada. Grace Welch of the University of
> Ottawa as well as other map librarians spent alot of time working with
> NRCan on securing what seemed impossible to secure.
> Lobbying and activism is a large part of what we do. Most of our deals
> may not make the CBC news or the globe and mail pages like this one, but
> they are just as important.
> Marcel
> Tracey P. Lauriault wrote:
>> A beautiful Thing!
>> Just to keep the record straight!
>> *Heather McAdam*, the Geomatics Librarian
>> (http://www.library.carleton.ca/madgic/maps/gisweb/index.htm) at
>> Carleton University MADGIC (Maps and Data and Government Information
>> Centre - http://www.library.carleton.ca/madgic/index.html) spearheaded &
>> pretty much singlehandedly ran this campaign, on her dime and personal
>> time.  It is really important to give credit where credit is due.  It is
>> very rare to see this type of activism in the Map & Data Librarian
>> Community and dang it she did it well!
>> Here is the campaign website Heather Created -
>> http://www.mapsforcanadians.ca/
>> And for historical folkloric fun -  Heather and I came up with the idea
>> while giggling at a presentation being given at GeoTec 2006 this summer!
>> We were taking notes, drawing pictures and well we were shusshed for
>> having too much fun at a serious event!  Thanks goodness for fun i say!
>> If anyone on the list knows of a community ISP that can host the that
>> would be great cuz it will be taken down soon as heather is footin' the
>> bill!
>> Eric Lilius wrote:
>>> Here's a little more on this good news.
>>> Eric
> ------------------------------
> Note: I am currently on research leave.
> I am monitoring my email, but it may take longer than usual for me to reply.
> If you require help with maps or Geographic Information Systems, please
> contact [hidden email]
> ------------------------------
> Marcel Fortin
> GIS and Map Librarian, University of Toronto
> 130 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 1A5
> _______________________________________________
> CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://civicaccess.ca/mailman/listinfo/civicaccess-discuss_civicaccess.ca

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Re: Decision on Topographic Maps - For the Record - Another Record

Marcel Fortin
22 posts
Thanks Tracey,
I am trying to convince Laine Ruus to write something about the history
of digital census file access through libraries and am hoping to include
a bit of the history of data and geospatial data victories in my current


Tracey P. Lauriault wrote:

> You are correct :)
> there are different types of activism - and activist type of actions.
> In this case, I was referring to the overt, cross community mobilization
> & lobbying & communication type of public activism.  Marcel I promise
> you that I brag about librarians and the dedicated work they do all the
> time and work very hard to dispel the negatives myths and stereotypes!
> You know what! It would be really great to make some of what you are
> talking about more obvious though!  Would you happen to have a document
> of sorts that has on a timeline associated with some of the points you
> have below.  It would be great to have a page of important data and map
> policy decisions overtime with association and names beside it!
> Cheers
> t
> marcel fortin wrote:
>>Yes, Heather did an amazing job and deserves all the credit.
>>But, speaking of keeping the record straight. I'm a little surprised by
>>your comment that there is little activism in the map and data librarian
>>community. Yes, the stereotype is that librarians are meak bookish
>>beings, but we are a passionate bunch and we bend over backwards to help
>>our community of users. Many may think that certain things just appear
>>miraculously in libraries, but they don't. We work hard to secure deals
>>with government bodies and third-party data vendors. Some deals are day
>>to day work contacting government bodies, but others are very important
>>deals for large communities.
>>Remember that Canadian digital census files arrived en masse in academic
>>libraries through the hard-work, dedication and arm twisting by a bunch
>>of data librarians in the late 1980's before the US census appeared in
>>digital format in US libraries in the 90's. Wendy Watkins of Carleton
>>and Laine Ruus of the U of T Libraries, to name just two of many,
>>deserve a great deal of praise with their work with Stats Canada over
>>the years. It was also the hard-work of map librarians that got those
>>same topo maps we've been discussing in digital format freely available
>>to the academic community in Canada. Grace Welch of the University of
>>Ottawa as well as other map librarians spent alot of time working with
>>NRCan on securing what seemed impossible to secure.
>>Lobbying and activism is a large part of what we do. Most of our deals
>>may not make the CBC news or the globe and mail pages like this one, but
>>they are just as important.
>>Tracey P. Lauriault wrote:
>>>A beautiful Thing!
>>>Just to keep the record straight!
>>>*Heather McAdam*, the Geomatics Librarian
>>>(http://www.library.carleton.ca/madgic/maps/gisweb/index.htm) at
>>>Carleton University MADGIC (Maps and Data and Government Information
>>>Centre - http://www.library.carleton.ca/madgic/index.html) spearheaded &
>>>pretty much singlehandedly ran this campaign, on her dime and personal
>>>time.  It is really important to give credit where credit is due.  It is
>>>very rare to see this type of activism in the Map & Data Librarian
>>>Community and dang it she did it well!
>>>Here is the campaign website Heather Created -
>>>And for historical folkloric fun -  Heather and I came up with the idea
>>>while giggling at a presentation being given at GeoTec 2006 this summer!
>>>We were taking notes, drawing pictures and well we were shusshed for
>>>having too much fun at a serious event!  Thanks goodness for fun i say!
>>>If anyone on the list knows of a community ISP that can host the that
>>>would be great cuz it will be taken down soon as heather is footin' the
>>>Eric Lilius wrote:
>>>>Here's a little more on this good news.
>>Note: I am currently on research leave.
>>I am monitoring my email, but it may take longer than usual for me to reply.
>>If you require help with maps or Geographic Information Systems, please
>>contact [hidden email]
>>Marcel Fortin
>>GIS and Map Librarian, University of Toronto
>>130 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 1A5
>>CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
>>[hidden email]
> _______________________________________________
> CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://civicaccess.ca/mailman/listinfo/civicaccess-discuss_civicaccess.ca

Note: I am currently on research leave.
I am monitoring my email, but it may take longer than usual for me to reply.
If you require help with maps or Geographic Information Systems, please
contact [hidden email]
Marcel Fortin
GIS and Map Librarian, University of Toronto
130 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 1A5