Québec, ville ouverte!

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Québec, ville ouverte!

Nicolas Roberge
Things are progressing here in Québec City!


Nicolas Roberge
Ovologic Inc.
[hidden email]
Tél.: 418 573-7879
Skype: nroberge

Vous voulez qu'on se rencontre? Visitez http://tungle.me/nicolasroberge

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Re: Québec, ville ouverte!

Glen Newton
The _proposed_ license is the PDDL
http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/1.0/  !!
Wow! Impressive.

Gets my two thumbs-up!

Now let's hope they actually go through with it.....

-Glen Newton

2011/11/10 Nicolas Roberge <[hidden email]>:

> Things are progressing here in Québec City!
> http://ville.quebec.qc.ca/actualites/fiche_autres_actualites.aspx?id=11293
> --
> Nicolas Roberge
> Ovologic Inc.
> [hidden email]
> Tél.: 418 573-7879
> Skype: nroberge
> Vous voulez qu'on se rencontre? Visitez http://tungle.me/nicolasroberge
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> CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
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Re: Québec, ville ouverte!

Michael Lenczner-2
In reply to this post by Nicolas Roberge
Yeah, it's great. Although for the anglo's, the subject of the email
is misleading.

Quebec is not a "Ville Ouvert" yet (in the sense that it doesn't yet
have a portal, policy, internal directive and it hasn't adopted an
open license). This press release is about the city contributing
datasets to the upcoming hackathons.

Although at their current rate, I have no doubt that the Capitale
Ouvert gang will push the city towards a full policy very soon.


Michael Lenczner
CEO, Ajah
1-888-406-2524 (AJAH)

2011/11/10 Nicolas Roberge <[hidden email]>:

> Things are progressing here in Québec City!
> http://ville.quebec.qc.ca/actualites/fiche_autres_actualites.aspx?id=11293
> --
> Nicolas Roberge
> Ovologic Inc.
> [hidden email]
> Tél.: 418 573-7879
> Skype: nroberge
> Vous voulez qu'on se rencontre? Visitez http://tungle.me/nicolasroberge
> _______________________________________________
> CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.pwd.ca/mailman/listinfo/civicaccess-discuss