Please send a letter to your member of parliament about copyright!

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Please send a letter to your member of parliament about copyright!

Russell McOrmond-2

   The First Session of the 39th Parliament was opened today with a Speech from
the Throne.  While copyright is not one of the priorities of this new
government, the Liberal Heritage critic Mauril BĂ©langer is already calling on
the government to "introduce during this Session of the 39th Parliament
copyright legislation to incorporate the amendments recommended in 2005
amending the Copyright Act by implementing the provisions of the WIPO (World
Intellectual Property Organization) Copyright Treaty as well as updating
certain other provisions of the Act."

   We need to ensure that all parliamentarians hear from constituents that will
explain to them why this is a bad idea for Canadian creators' and the rest of
Canadian society.

   Please go to and select the option to "send a
letter to your member of parliament".  If you have the time to customize the
letter, please do so.  For greater effect you could print your letter, sign it,
and mail it to the parliamentary address of your member of parliament (free

   If you have not yet signed the Petition for Users' Rights, please go to , print out the petition, sign it (and
get some friends to sign), and sent it to us.  We want to make sure that
petitions are tabled in the new government, requiring an answer to our petition
from the new government.

   Thank you.

  Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <>
  2415+ Canadians oppose Bill C-60 which protects antiquated Recording,
  Movie and "software manufacturing" industries from modernization.
  Send a letter to your Canadian MP! -->