Opportunity to Participate in OKF Local Open Data Census for Canada

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Opportunity to Participate in OKF Local Open Data Census for Canada

Jury Konga

The Open Knowledge Foundation recently announced a new initiative for developing an Open Data Census at the local government level (http://blog.okfn.org/2014/02/04/announcing-the-local-open-data-census/ ). The benefits of undertaking the census were identified by Rufus Pollock, OKF Founder,  noting : new people learn about open data by exploring what’s available and relevant to them;  you compare open data availability in your city with other cities in your country; local government identify data that local people and businesses are interested in using; and more data get opened up everywhere!

 We expect to get the Canada instance up and running in mid April and everyone will be able to contribute to the census.  We need volunteers to contribute the initial input and also “Editors” to  “validate” the entries to the local open data census (similar to what was done for the national census).  Please connect with us via the OKFN CA  list serv https://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/okfn-ca and/or provide comments on the Census web page http://ca.okfn.org/initiating-a-local-open-data-census-for-canada/

 We welcome all suggestions and need volunteers locally across the country to ensure we create and maintain a complete and up-to-date census.  Excited to be initiating this and look forward to collaboration with the great Canadian open data community.


 Jury Konga, Canada Ambassador                             Diane Mercier, Canada Ambassador
Open Knowledge Foundation                                                     Open Knowledge Foundation


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