Open-source project treads on Google Maps turf

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Open-source project treads on Google Maps turf

Ted Hildebrandt
Open-source project treads on Google Maps turf By Andy McCue

Volunteers with GPS devices aim to map the planet and loosen the grip of
government on geographic data.

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Re: Open-source project treads on Google Maps turf

Robin Millette
On 11/14/06, Ted Hildebrandt <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Open-source project treads on Google Maps turf By Andy McCue
> Volunteers with GPS devices aim to map the planet and loosen the grip of
> government on geographic data.
> 1032_3-6134871.html?

Funny that. I mean, Google just uses data bought from a third party
whereas the described projects entails citizens actually gathering the
data. Two very different things.

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