Open source OCR for small-scale historical archives

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Open source OCR for small-scale historical archives

Glen Newton
Apologies if this seems off topic to some.

Many small municipalities and small organizations struggle to resource
their historical archives. Ocropodium is an Open Source work flow for
the OCR of small scale historical archives that tries to help.

[Behind pay walls]
Ocropodium: open source OCR for small-scale historical archives
Tobias Blanke, Michael Bryant, Mark Hedges
Journal of Information Science , ISSN: 0165-5515, Vol: 38, Issue: 1,
Date: 2012-02-01, Pages: 76-86

Open source historical OCR: the OCRopodium project
ECDL'10 Proceedings of the 14th European conference on Research and
advanced technology for digital libraries

-Glen Newton