Open Govt Partnership - Conference Call March 7 or March 8, 2012

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Open Govt Partnership - Conference Call March 7 or March 8, 2012

Harvey Low
Hello all:
In my capacity as a civil society representative at the upcoming Open Government Partnership Meeting in Brazil this April, I indicated earlier that on behalf of the Canadian Council on Social Development's Community Data Program, I would like to begin soliciting input from you in the areas of Open Government and Open Data
As such, I would like to host a first conference call. I will have a more refined Agenda for this call to help with our discussions, but for now please add the following dates to your calendar for a conference call (dial in numbers to be provided later from Tracey). I have slotted two date options to choose from in order to accommodate as much as possible (you do not have to be on both calls). The dates are Wed March 7 at 11am EST, and Thr March 8 at 11am EST. I hope these times will allow all people from both sides of the country to participate. I very much look forward to our discussions, thank you.
Harvey Low
Rep Community Data Program,
Canadian Council on Social Development