Sometimes getting the data released under an Open Data License isn't quite enough. Making sure the licenses are aligned and acceptable can be a problem. So the City of Ottawa updated its license to more closely align with the Treasury Board Open Data license, we've been importing CANVEC data for years but apparently some people in OpenStreetMap were under the impression it was under some private arrangement not the normal license. Tracey identified an file that the City of Ottawa had containing 300,000 buildings which Stats Canada had an interest in having imported into OpenStreetMap and eventually this file was released onto the City of Ottawa's open data portal. That took time. It was only yesterday that legal working group of OpenStreetMap decided the City of Ottawa Open Data License was acceptable. Some Canadian mappers had been resisting the import. I think its only taken about five years to get the licenses sorted out so we can import things like Ottawa bus stops into OpenStreetMap. So thank you Tracey for identifying the file, many thanks to the City of Ottawa for their efforts and thank you to Treasury Board for their efforts in sorting out an Open Data license that can be used. Needless to say there have been comments along the lines of if only the license was exactly the same as.... Cheerio John _______________________________________________ CivicAccess-discuss mailing list [hidden email] |
Thank good we are patient! Thanks for the update John. On Sat, Mar 4, 2017 at 10:55 AM, John Whelan <[hidden email]> wrote:
Tracey P. Lauriault Assistant Professor Critical Media Studies and Big Data Communication Studies School of Journalism and Communication Suite 4110, River Building Carleton University 1125 Colonel By Drive Ottawa (ON) K1S 5B61-613-520-2600 x7443 [hidden email] @TraceyLauriault Skype: Tracey.P.Lauriault _______________________________________________ CivicAccess-discuss mailing list [hidden email] |
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