Hi ted,
Today is my birthday and I received an excellent present. This morning, the Premier of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne, announced that the Ontario provincial government, in partnership with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and other partners, will provide opperating support for the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA).
Congratulations to the IISD and the province of Ontario for working to ensure that the critical science being conducted at the ELA will continue!
The ELA is a one of a kind research facility where scientists can study freshwater ecosystems on entire lakes. Research from the ELA had proven instrumental in informing public policies that keep our lakes clean and our fish populations healthy. It is crucial that this important research continues.
I have no doubt that this good news is, in part, thanks to you. In the months since funding for the ELA was cut, tens of thousands of Canadians have shown their support for the ELA - by signing petitions, writing to elected officials, writing letters to the editor, and in many other ways. We also need to thank the Coalition to Save the ELA and Diane Orihel for working tirelessly to keep the ELA in the public eye. Our collective voice has been heard. This may not be the original solution we were seeking, and the details are still unclear, but it now looks like we are very close to a victory for the ELA.
If we want politicians to support science, it is important to thank them when they do. Please consider sending a short thank you message to Premier Wynne today at [hidden email].
Thank you,
Katie Gibbs
Executive Director, Evidence for Democracy
Source: http://news.ontario.ca/opo/en/2013/04/ontario-supporting-the-experimental-lakes-area.html