OPI: paper: "OGD2011 – Requirements Analysis for an Open Data Strategy (in Austria)"

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OPI: paper: "OGD2011 – Requirements Analysis for an Open Data Strategy (in Austria)"

Glen Newton
"The OGD2011 project launches the 1st Open Government Data Conference
Austria and brings together international and national experts in the
area of Open Government Data as well as representatives of the main
four open data stakeholder groups: politicians, citizens, industry and
the public administration in Austria for the first time in 2011 in
Vienna. But OGD2011 is more than a conference: in the course of four
workshops with representatives of the 4 mentioned stakeholder groups
in Spring 2011 the expectations & requirements of these groups as well
as challenges & threats and open questions & important issues of the
open data process in Austria have been evaluated and analysed. As an
output of this analysis as well as of the conference the OGD2011
project team publishes the OGD White Book Austria. This paper gives an
overview over the outcomes of the OGD2011 project."
http://www.springerlink.com/content/t527h21057l20j40/  [Behind paywall]

-Glen Newton
