OGP IRM Local Researchers Call

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OGP IRM Local Researchers Call

James McKinney-4
Full details: http://www.opengovpartnership.org/node/10417 

Deadline: January 12, 2017

This is a paid opportunity.

"The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is seeking individuals to carry out research at the subnational level in a variety of countries to assess progress on implementation of their OGP Subnational Action Plans.

"The OGP is a multilateral initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to promote transparency, empower citizens, promote public accountability, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance. OGP has recently launched a new pilot program to involve subnational governments in the initiative. The pilot program aims to discover, promote, and foster commitments from different levels of government, where many citizens are directly accessing services and information and taking part in decisions.

"Subnational governments participating in the pilot program are to deliver a one year action plan developed with public consultation, and commit to independent reporting on their progress through the OGP Independent Reporting Mechanism.

"The IRM works primarily by disseminating independent assessment reports for each OGP participating government. Each subnational progress report will assess the development and implementation of action plans, and will provide technical recommendations."

Ontario is a subnational government participating in the OGP pilot program.

I hope good candidates apply to help hold Ontario accountable to its open government processes and commitments!


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