NYTimes 1% Visualization and analysis

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NYTimes 1% Visualization and analysis

Tracey P. Lauriault
The devil is always in the detail, the 1% is diverse in occupation but not so diverse racially while many earned their wealth on their own, a greater number inhereted it and also as expected the education level of the parents is a huge influence, although, based on the article, some of the 1%'ers do seem a little out of touch with the realities of the 99%.
I would have liked a bit more detail on how the 1% was calculated in the visualization only the following is mentioned:
"Note: The chart counts the number of individual workers living in households with an overall income in the top 1 percent nationwide"
There is no reference to the dataset used for this analysis nor the date, for instance the article mentions regional differences and a salaray starting at 380 000$, so maybe the focus should be on the top .01%, although, a map of where the 1% are clustered would also have been insightful as people can then compare their enumeration areas or electoral districts and see where things are concentrated.  The article does reference enclaves. 
And perhaps it is time for a 1% analysis in Canada!

Tracey P. Lauriault
"Every epoch dreams the one that follows it's the dream form of the future, not its reality" it is the "wish image of the collective".
Walter Benjamin, between 1927-1940, (http://www.columbia.edu/itc/architecture/ockman/pdfs/dossier_4/buck-morss.pdf)