NASA Issues Big Data Challenge
InformationWeek (10/05/12) Patience Wait
The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the
Department of Energy, and the National Science Foundation recently
created the Big Data Challenge, a competition to develop new ways to
capitalize on the data generated by the federal government. The Big
Data Challenge aims to identify ways to analyze and share large
amounts of data across government, using information sets taken from
the health, energy, and earth science fields. The challenge involves
four contests, the first of which is an ideation challenge that seeks
ideas for tools and techniques that can smooth out the gaps in
disparate data sources and subjects. The top three finishers will each
receive $500 in prize money. "Big data is characterized not only by
the enormous volume or the velocity of its generation, but also by the
heterogeneity, diversity, and complexity of the data," says the Big
Data Senior Steering Group's Suzi Iacono. "There are enormous
opportunities to extract knowledge from these large-scale diverse data
sets, and to provide powerful new approaches to drive discovery and
decision-making, and to make increasingly accurate predictions." The
contest will be hosted by the NASA Tournament Lab. [from ACM News]