Many Fed government departments have either formal or informal sharing
agreements with both provincial and (usually indirectly: through the
province) municipal governments, so I think there is limited need to
request the data to be opened, as they often already have access and
use the data.
I know this from my experience when I was employed at Natural
Resources Canada, and seem to remember this to be the case for F&O,
EnvCan, AgCan, etc.
On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Mark Weiler <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Does anyone know of municipal or provincial governments making submissions
> to Fed gov't about data sets they'd like to access? Likewise, any federal
> departments making submissions about what datasets they'd like "opened"?
> What I'm thinking here is intra- and inter-governmental uses of open data.
> Mark
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