Municipal, Provincal Government uses of Federal Open Data

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Municipal, Provincal Government uses of Federal Open Data

Mark Weiler-2
Does anyone know of municipal or provincial governments making submissions to Fed gov't about data sets they'd like to access? Likewise, any federal departments making submissions about what datasets they'd like "opened"? What I'm thinking here is intra- and inter-governmental uses of open data.

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Re: Municipal, Provincal Government uses of Federal Open Data

Glen Newton
Many Fed government departments have either formal or informal sharing
agreements with both provincial and (usually indirectly: through the
province) municipal governments, so I think there is limited need to
request the data to be opened, as they often already have access and
use the data.

I know this from my experience when I was employed at Natural
Resources Canada, and seem to remember this to be the case for F&O,
EnvCan, AgCan, etc.


On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Mark Weiler <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Does anyone know of municipal or provincial governments making submissions
> to Fed gov't about data sets they'd like to access? Likewise, any federal
> departments making submissions about what datasets they'd like "opened"?
> What I'm thinking here is intra- and inter-governmental uses of open data.
> Mark
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