Municipal Parking Metre Data

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Municipal Parking Metre Data

Tracey P. Lauriault-2
The Ottawa Citizen ran a fun story today in the city section that was derived from data and related electronic records accessed from the Municipal Freedom of Information and Privacy Act.  The parking infraction data were mapped, charted, discussed, analyzed and the most popular ticketed meters featured along with the most famous green hornet.

I find that to be a fun little thing a citizen in this Case the Ottawa Citizen can do to highlight inequities and distribution of issues in the city.  To me that is what access to public data is all about.

It would be so easy to just post that on a site somewhere and make these data available to everyone instead of having to go through that onerous FOI application process.  I would luv to see building permit infractions, accidents, crime stats, building projects, zoning change applications etc. available. 

Here is the story:

Magnetic meter. The secret of meter 527

Itis the Venus flytrap of local parking. In fact, more people get stungat this downtown spot than at any other in the city. Glen McGregorreveals where you are most likely to be ticketed in Ottawa -- and why-- starting at meter No. 527

Tracey P. Lauriault
Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Carleton University
Ottawa (ON) K1S 5B6 Canada
[hidden email]