Mtl Pictures

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Mtl Pictures

Tracey P. Lauriault-2
Here is a coupla pictures of the mtl meeting a coupla weeks ago!

It was a laika on st-laurent, unfortunately Hugh and Robin were not in
these as I recalled I had my camera after they left :(  - rest assured
they are as handsome as the rest of the montreal bunch!

We missed Judith and unfortunately Zara could not join us, but i did
have a super 2 hour conversation with her over the phone.  She will be
posting some good stuff on data for disabled citizens in the coming weeks.

I will do my full write up in the next coupla days! Just got home from
the big city and need to tend to my garden first.  Lovely meeting the
Montreal gang!


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Tyler Mitchell: Open Source Geo tools

Hugh McGuire
good talk on open source geo tools, from the great IT Conversations: