Mapping City Data

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Mapping City Data

Mark Weiler-2
I have some data that is structured in the following way: 

<city name 1>, <numeric data 1>
<city name 2>, <numeric data 2>

The numeric data might be something like population or elevation.  Is there a way I could quickly plot the data on a map (e.g., google maps)?
I'd like to avoid converting city name to longitudinal/latitudinal points. 

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Re: Mapping City Data

Herb Lainchbury
Hi Mark,

Google Fusion Tables can plot the points on a map.


On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Mark Weiler <[hidden email]> wrote:
I have some data that is structured in the following way: 

<city name 1>, <numeric data 1>
<city name 2>, <numeric data 2>

The numeric data might be something like population or elevation.  Is there a way I could quickly plot the data on a map (e.g., google maps)?
I'd like to avoid converting city name to longitudinal/latitudinal points. 


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Herb Lainchbury
Dynamic Solutions Inc.