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Tracey P. Lauriault

"MapStory, as a compliment to Wikipedia, is a new dimension to the
global data commons that empowers a global user community to organize
all knowledge about the world spatially and temporally. Perhaps more
important, MapStory is an infrastructure for enabling
“MapStorytelling” as a means of communicating important issues to a
global audience. The goal is to enable any student, teacher or
practitioner on Earth to tap the power of this new mode of conveying
one’s stories, arrayed across geography and as they unfold over time.
MapStory will become the convening point where MapStorytellers of all
kinds come to publish their expressions, and to critique each others’
MapStories, leading to a consistently accumulating and improving
global body of knowledge about global dynamics, worldwide, over the
course of history."

Via: VI Spatial Newsletter (

Tracey P. Lauriault